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  1. Moving beyond the trafficking debate – the ability to say “no more”

    I was recently a “spectator” to a debate among some people I know about trafficking. It got me thinking about this issue, and what we could be talking about that changes the debate.
    Don’t get me wrong. It is completely and sickeningly wrong that any lady is subjected to violence, threats to herself or her family or any sort of restriction of movement that forces her into prostitution. Every instance should be treated as a crime and everyone involved in escorting should do everything possible ...
  2. Winter Wonderland

    I imagine lots of people have stories of occasional problems getting to an appointment with a lovely escort. About a year ago, in the midst of all the heavy snow, I had one such adventure.

    I had been really looking forward to seeing Layla for the second time, having had the pleasure a few months previously. Unfortunately, Layla took ill during her tour at the end of November 2010 and had to go home early, cancelling pre-booked appointments including mine.

    I made sure ...