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  1. Passion

    Passion makes a person stop eating, sleeping, working, feeling at peace. A lot of people are frightened because, when it appears, it demolishes all the old things it finds in its path.

    No one wants their life thrown into chaos. That is why a lot of people keep that threat under control, and are somehow capable of sustaining a house or a structure that is already rotten. They are the engineers of the superseded.

    Other people think exactly the opposite: they surrender ...
  2. Virtual School

    A few weeks back,a friend of mine(one of you guys)came with a great idea.He thought that would be great me to start a Virtual School,to give you guys a few tips on how to treat a women,being escort or not.I would like to cover all kinds of stuff that some of you get wrong:hygiene - both oral and general, manners towards the escort, sexual technique in sexual intercourse, cunnilingus, kissing, touching, fetishes, etc,We could talk about little touches like payment methods, booking methods and all ...
  3. Lesson 1

    As I only got just one direct question,i will start the lessons with that:

    " Many escorts do not like you touching their pussy with your hand and certainly most will object to you inserting a finger.

    Why is this?"

    You see guys,an escort is very carefull with her pussy.Is a very "important" part of our body and our job.Some of us do shave very often and that makes the whole area more sensitive.
    We can't afford to be ...
  4. Packing and Moving back to Ireland

    I have so much to pack it is unreal. As you can imagine being a Dominatrix I have so many things to bring with me let alone all my personal belongings and two big dogs! This is where a personal slave would have come in handy not to mention a general slave to drive me, my stuff, the dogs and my car the 9 hour journey to our new home.

    All I can say is it's better than flying with Ryan air!

    Mistress Amina
    Irish Escort Blogs
  5. Giving Her Oral Sex

    When you begin to give her oral sex, it's important to start slowly.

    Tongue to lips
    Any licking, gentle sucking or all-around moisture from the mouth to the vaginal entrance, the labia (lips) or the clitoris will surely make you popular with your flavour of the evening.

    When you begin to give her oral sex, it's important to start slowly. Women like it when a man takes the time to appreciate her and her body. What she won't like is an overachiever who jumps right ...
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