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  1. CAUTION: The media is NOT a reflection of reality.

    It's amazing how people have not learnt from the past or history. Sadly history always repeats itself
    especially with greed and that can be seen in prevalence in our ''governments,'' ''pharmaceuticals,''
    ''law enforcement,'' ''education,'' and ''media.''
    The simple fact that you were fooled and conned doesn't make you an idiot.
    What makes you an idiot is when you BLANTANTY REFUSE to look at the truth and make a conscious
    decision to believe the lies.
  2. Sex and The Law

    I’ve always thought the law surrounding sex work in Ireland is a bit odd in places, but some searching of the Internet reveals that sex law can get even stranger abroad!

    Here are my 5 favourites:

    In Cali, Colombia, the first time a woman has sex with her husband, her mother must be in the room to witness the act.

    Considering a holiday in Indonesia? The penalty for being caught masturbating in this country can be decapitation!

    In Bahrain, it is ...

    Updated 29-05-09 at 22:20 by Patricia

    Escort Industry Ireland
  3. Selfish xxx

    …I want man lips to kiss my sweet slow kissing my mouth, slowly flicking my clit, lightly nibbling my lips with your mouth, carefully, you then roll and curl your tounge up and down my inner lips..Ever so slightly run your tongue around the opening of my pussy. Less is more.. I’m so fucking sensitive.. take your time, I like to be teased.

    My nipples are so hard they could cut through ice. You tweak them, and take a handfuls of my tanned, breasts and shove them into your ...

    Updated 11-07-16 at 23:27 by alyx

    Irish Escort Blogs , Escort Industry Ireland
  4. Thoughts from the Queen ;)

    Hello, lovely readers!

    I’m Annastasya Party Queen, some of you already had the chance to know me some didn't but maybe we will at one stage .Today I want to share some thoughts about what it means to truly embrace who you are and rise above the noise around you.

    Confidence is my crown, and self-love is my throne. As an escort, I know that people have their opinions about me, but a queen knows that what people say about her is not her business. ...

    Updated 20-06-24 at 14:44 by RogerJ7

  5. The Fat Bastard story

    So, I’ve been holding off writing this out for a couple of reasons. One being not wanting to put the scud on a good thing, the other being wondering if anyone would ever care enough to read my pish. I finally decided that enough time as passed that I’m secure with where I am, and I know when I started out on this journey I would have appreciated something like this, and I’ve had a few people PM me over the last year or so asking about my experiences as a virgin seeing sex workers. Also, this ...
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