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Irish Escort Blogs

Blogs written by Irish callgirls...

  1. Perhaps the Little People have decided to tease me...?

    As those who follow my tourts will know, I am currently enjoying a lovely tour of Ireland, visiting many new places as well as the ones that I have been to previously
    I have to say that touring is a very pleasurable way to go to work, as it means I enjoy seeing lots of new and fascinating places (as well as meeting some great new people too, of course) - what could be better than mixing work with a sort of vacation experience?

    But I did have reason to be a little concerned ...
  2. The Lost Art of Making an Appointment

    This post is dedicated to all the ladies out there, who have to put up with the total lack of consideration from idiotic clients jerking them around.

    I have worked around the world and I must say the art of making an appointment is something that seems to differ from country to country. Which can cause some frustration for the new comer. There are some places where time is more fluid, examples are Jamaica, Africa, South America, India, these cultures seem to use more of an interpretation ...
  3. My recent trip to Paris-Part 1

    ARRRRGGGGGG!!!!!!! Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuckity, fuck fuck fuck! ARRRRRRRGGGGGG!!!!!!!! I fucking hate Schiphol Security! They are idiots, and disorganized morons and couldn’t catch a suicide bomber running through the airport with a bomb strapped to his ass, screaming “Death to the infidel!” The last time I had to deal with these jackasses was when traveling with a discount airline. Now I am on my way to Paris for a weekend of Gala events, shoe and tea shopping. Civilization is calling. I do have ...
    Tags: airports, morons
    Irish Escort Blogs
  4. Taken For a Ride By a Licensed Cork Cab Driver

    I got ripped off by a licensed cab driver in Cork City today.

    I received a request for an escort outcall to the Jury’s Inn Hotel by the Wharf. I am happy to do outcalls when on tour to hotels. I’ve refused all outcall requests for me to visit private homes and can only blame man’s inability to think logically when horny with the fact that he’d ask in the first place.

    To get to the Jury’s Inn Hotel in Cork, I needed a cab. There’s a cab rank not too far from the City ...
  5. Smoking Hot

    You know that point during a blow-job, when the giver is settled down and focused on the art of transporting the receiver to the heights of pleasure; and the receiver’s whole body language confirms that all concerned are singing from the same hymn sheet?

    Well, that’s where I and a punter were yesterday, when a shrill sound broke our dreamy reverie. My first thought was that it was my phone and I’d forgotten to turn it off, as I always do at the beginning of a session.

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