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dr love

Moving on in life

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The first of my daughters has got engaged today just got me thinking on how life just has a way of continuing on regardless . A new milestone in mine .The joy we can share in other peoples lives and how important family really matters : doc


  1. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Family is very important doc and have no idea how I would have coped in life without family support and encouragement. Congratulations on reaching this new milestone and best wishes to you all. :)
  2. dr love's Avatar
    Sincere thanks magicalman true gent : doc
  3. lonely's Avatar
    someone else,s turn to look after her nowi hope he has a deep
    om a more serious note congrats
  4. dr love's Avatar
    Hope he has lonely she cost me a fortune . Thanks bro : doc
  5. mr maxi's Avatar
    Congrats Doc on your daughter's engagement , i'm sure its plucking at the ole heart strings.
    I don't know what i will do when the day comes but as say life has a way of continuing on regardless.
    All we can do is hope they make the right choices and be there for them if needed.
    Time to get the speech prepared hey........Enjoy their happiness......
  6. dr love's Avatar
    Thanks maxi only seems like yesterday when we brought her home . Iam lucky i'am still reasonable young having got married young ,well I think so . But your right they bring the occasional joy to your life : doc