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Reputation wars, episode vi, the return of the rat.

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IN A FORUM (HOSTED) FAR FAR AWAY… (In a dungeon in sunny SPAIN probably…)


The Trolls
Have done
Their task as ordered.
They infiltrated the Green army
of the Republic, Infected lots of posters,
and went back to the RED Federation headquarters.

have been forged
between members of Both camps,
but no one trust each other anymore…
The Green Army of the Republic has retreated to a safer area
To rebuild themselves after heavy losses suffered in the last battle
and to reassess the situation…

Commander Rockonallnite reporting from an isolated System in the Cluster 3-2-1 F.OFF. (More likely some Islands off the west coast of the back of beyond…)
My location has been compromised, there has been some twitter warrior stirring shit about me and I had to go under cover. (Invisible mode).

The commanders of the RED ARMY federation have done what was ordered by the Generals, infiltrated the Green Camp, dispensed a lot of NEG REP around and engaged in a tremendous duel with ROCKERMAN, who mortally wounded retreated to a secret location, he went Rogue... (Like Hand SOLO, visiting the Mos Eisley cantina most likely or some local watering hole in outer rim of the M50…)

Hour Hero TheSavanah decided to ban him once and for all, but he kept coming back until she decided to freeze him in carbonite, so we have not seen him ever since…
Shortly afterwards she got another job in a more isolated forum and she said goodbye to all of us…
(she might come back one day, since her profile is still up, who knows…,maybe, I am sending this message hoping this broadcast will reach her and she will come back to her senses and help us all…or at least pop in to say hello, you bitch…Savannah YOU are our last hope! Please help us!)

Last time edited by Rockonallnite today at 16:35 Reason: She forgot to defrost R****** before she left, so someone else will have to do that job…

Since there was no moderation team for years, someone else had to fill her big boots, so Aryathemod was promoted to the position of super moderator.
Unfortunately she was defeated by the evil forces of the RED ARMY FEDERATION, one day she was greeted by the GREEN ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC (all the arse lickers of the forum) and the following day she was gone (I don’t think she had time to ban anyone as moderator,cos she lasted in that position as long as a fart in a basket…)

Therefore this place became lawless, a barren wasteland of trolls, fake posters, Fake reviewers clueless newbies, disinterested Established members…The pack of hungry horny dogs, in the clients requests threads, had no one to chase for a bit of information, the fake reviews started to grow like mushrooms overnight…it was a bleak panorama…

Finally, E.I. had to call the big guns…
They hire the best bounty hunter in the entire galaxy of all forums…, the fearsome SOFIA FETT, a RATALORIAN, proficient (tongue) sharpshooter and unarmed combatant.
Her combat gear featured an arsenal of weaponry: IP addresses of all forum members; Special apps that can detect dodgy Phone numbers; e-mail addresses of all accounts, and a special software that can do some shit that she explained…

However, since I am a dinosaur with technology, with my best poker face, I just nodded and agreed with her, pretending I knew what she was talking about...

She also carry a jet pack to gain the advantage of speed and height over her enemies. The backpack also carried a nasty surprise, a big FAT RAT symbol that she would dispense to every fake reviewer and stamp it in to the dubious reviews… (Some sort of a “mark of the beast” stamped in ALL of the reviews of the said punter, and of course, the women he visited, cos she said, “we have lost faith in that punter...”) an explosive combo indeed…

The first unsuspecting victims were B*****, D****** and J*****.
The first to notice the rats was Robbie9, he was shocked when he found 51 of them attached to D****’s profile.
I intervened and, I saw his 51 rats and raise them to 74...j******1 was the next culprit…
Finally, B***** was discovered, and his 33 Rats were stamped in his profile like a sore thumb.

All of them pleaded, NOT GUILTY…but the Ratalorian did not budge a millimeter…
B***** and J*** did not give a crap…they are serious punters and they only want to get laid…on the other hand D***** was B******D and was found out with his pants down to his knees…and we all know what happened then…
The RATALORIAN fucked him in the arse so hard than D***** was embarrassed and had no more choice than to erase his account!!
All of his ratted reviews ended up in the CUM BUCKET know as DELETED USER…

First to ask for answers was none other than our own QUEEN OF CLASSINESS STEPHANIE…In a rapt of true “AMERICAN KAREN-ISM, she demanded to speak with the manager!!
“This is the lazy way she cried!. Leaving a splotch of an ugly mark on innumerable proper innocent provider’s record as well…There must be a better way to go about this!! In this business our REPUTATION IS EVERYTHING!!...”

Unfortunately, there was no answer from any of them, (T**** has died in battle I think, and all of the other moderators ran for cover when they saw her coming…)
This prompted an exchange of views about the way The Ratalorian did business…

Am****** didn’t know what the fuck was happening with the rats, (I think he just come to threads to flirt with girls like An******, M******, A**** M***, K*** and Lo*******)

Benny123 said he has done no wrongdoing, has 42 reviews now, and has being here for 3 years and he expected to get DE RATTED ASAP. (Good luck with that Benny…)

On the other hand there was not a single word spoken by J******I think he sent Sofia Fett a dick pic as a proof the encounters took place, but she didn’t like that idea, She said she won’t be intimidated by his big boy, so the rats stands in his profile too.

SOFIA FETT finally spoke and said: “we take the integrity of our review system very seriously, and any false reviews will not be tolerated…”
Last time edited by Rockonallnite today at 17:40 Reason: She deleted J***** account too, I think she changed her mind when saw J*****s 10-inch monster, and wanted to erase that image from her memory…

B******* visited an escort later on and he brought his 42 rats and left them waiting outside the bedroom door while he was inside. He had an enjoyable time, collected his rodents and came away home again, happy as a RAT in a Sewer. He did not bother writing a review cos a review from a RAT infested punter on an escort’s page will not do her any good HE said…
AF8 said the girls could keep the rats as pets but A******k could not cope with more vet bills, she has a DOG, a RAT, and also PA*****, one of my trusted carrier PIGEONS I left her as a present in my last visit while in DERRY…

Sofia the Ratalorian, was ousted after her job cleaning up the place was done, she said, I did my best, I am fucking away off to another place, I am done with this “bitch and sausage fest”…!

The forum became a worst wasteland than before…
I think the next mod will be a bot or some sort of A.I. software…
I am done here.
I hope someone can help us all…

To be continued…

Coming soon to a forum near you...


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Rockonallnite.2024, all right reserved.

Updated Yesterday at 08:04 by RogerJ7
