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Not A Retirement Post

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I think I may be changing. As much as I love escorting my other passions calling me. Insistently.
Not that I will dissappear before I make my mark and meet all goals. Just that I'm thinking, maybe great sex and good money aren't everything...stop that twittering! More client s than college students know how to find a clitoris with out a map.
But I love the travel and have yet to try abroad so relax I ain't going nowhere. I will arrive somewhere , and having arrived bow out and face up to midtwenty life and coffee and ppaperwork. ..oh my!
I know yet another pictureless post. Cheer up they're coming lol

Updated 27-07-13 at 07:25 by Cassandra

Tags: pensive


  1. Baxter's Avatar
    Ah, that mid-twenties life crisis. You'll get through it honey I've no doubt.! Take care.:)
  2. markob's Avatar
    Any new pics
  3. Cassandra's Avatar
    Paitence, Im picky as hell with new undies :P
  4. Sancho Panza's Avatar
    If I may be so bold as to enquire, what are your passions, Cassandra?
  5. Cassandra's Avatar
    being Creative.