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Let's suppose I went on about how as escorts we provide a vital service in that we accomodate fantasies. All the time. In this scene or "industry" you get to be naughty in a way you never dreamed was possible.
It's nice, no?
What exactly did we do wrong yonkers ago, that the word hooker phobia exists? Is it us or just a fear of what sex workers represent? Silly question.

Updated 05-07-13 at 04:09 by Cassandra



  1. xagerate's Avatar
    Deleted before i read gutted
  2. Larrii's Avatar too...
  3. GriffW's Avatar
    & me as well
  4. Cassandra's Avatar
    A half baked ramble. My apologies
  5. GriffW's Avatar
    I like and agree with your ramble, so no need to apologise
  6. Irish katelynn's Avatar
    Me too! Agree that is...!