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Your sex live is ok?

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There are a lot of wrong things that you can do or you do in everyday life. Nobody's perfect, we all make mistakes at one time or another, but the important thing is to contribute much more positive point of view. I know it's not easy but so is life.

Especially important are gestures or habits when they have a direct impact on the lives of the couple, especially regarding sex. It's a touchy subject but one that should be discussed when problems arise. Wondering why this view stagnant? Well, in many cases, we have selected the most important ones:
We have a DVD player, the TV is always on

Many times couples argue over what they watch the evening instead wonder if it's healthy or not to have a TV in the bedroom. Now, more than ever, thanks to the DVD player, the choices are endless, no need to turn off the TV once the program ended we were interested. TV in the bedroom is not a good choice but will affect both sleep and sex. If you still need a device in this room, you open it as little and do not attach a player.
Serious conversations at the wrong time

Even if it's not a discussion about marital problems or couple, any serious discussion can ruin your sex life, your indispunandu on both or at least one of you, for intimate activities. If you want a sex, the last thing you should think are the problems you grind. Plenty of time for such conversations in the kitchen or dining room.
