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Miss January E-I 2013

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Miss January E-I 2013
Welcome to the E-I Escort of the Month Blog. Every month I post the current top list of escorts in the running for Escort of the Month with its winner.

The current Miss December E-I 2012 is Rachel

Here are the results in the race for Miss January 2013 (which is based on the reviews from December):

Winner Leyla (6 points)

Roberta (5 points)

Sophie (4 points)

Briana (4 points)

TS Nicoli (4 points)

Rebecca (4 points)

Aliz (4 points)

Olivia Ryder (4 points)

Sofia Milani (4 points)

Rita (4 points)

The current winner(s) of this months competition are not eligible for the February competition but will be for March.

Hall of Fame


1. Points are scored by reviews.

A review only counts if the Reviewer is 6 months registered and has 10 reviews posted without any rats on his profile. The points per review are...
+1 point for a positive review,
-1 point for negative review,
0 points for neutral reviews,

To insure that there are no bias or controversial decisions E-I Moderators/Staff/Admin reviews as well as my own are not counted in the competition.

2. As we all know nobody is allowed post more than one review of the same escort. So once a Reviewer posts a review of an escort that’s the only point(s) that the Escort will ever receive from that profile. So if a reviewer posts new updated reviews of their favourite Escort it won't be counted.

3. N/A reviews obviously don't count as do Rat reviews. Also reviews marked positive but read negative and vice versa are considered miss-reviews and are not counted either, so please take care while marking reviews folks.

4a. At the end of every month the top scoring girl is declared the winner.

4b. From now on there will be no more draws in EOTM. So in the event of a draw the 2 or 3 top scoring girls will enter a tie-break situation. Basically all the Reviewers that gave "point scoring reviews" to the girls will have their total reviews on their profiles tallied together. The girl that has reviews from profiles with more reviews will be the winner.

5. No Escort can win consecutive months.

6. In the event of a scandal/Escort leaving the county or leaving escorting as an occupation during the competition, the Escort(s) with the highest next points will be declared the winner.

7. The winner will receive free advertising for a month. In the event that the winner(s) is not going to be working the following month they will instead receive credit/refunds.

8. Any and all speculation threads concerning the Escort of the Month outcome will be deleted and the thread creators can be disqualified from Escort of the Month at the discretion of myself.

Updated 22-01-13 at 20:17 by RicFlair



  1. Leyla lilli's Avatar
    Thank you so much. xx
  2. F007's Avatar
    Hey Leyla, congratulations on your Win (EOM) I hope one day I have the pleasure of meeting Miss January EI 2013
    007 xxx
  3. Rachel Divine's Avatar
    Well done beautiful xxx
  4. Leyla lilli's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sweet Rachel
    Well done beautiful xxx
    Thank you Rachel xxx
  5. BlondeRaquel's Avatar
    Congratulations Leyla
  6. Leyla lilli's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by BlondeRaquel
    Congratulations Leyla
    Thank you so much, sweetheart.