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Would you sleep with a "potential partner"?

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This must sound like a strange question coming from an escort. But I do have a life outside of this job and the dynamics of dating are as relevant to me as they are to the next person. I also have the added complication of feeling that a potential life long partner must know about what has been the most significant ten years of my life. I can’t pretend that I haven’t met all these people, been to all these places, learnt all this stuff, for ten years, and settle down as a suburban house-wife baking cookies and trimming roses in the garden. But that’s another blog.

The question here is, Would You Sleep With a Potential Partner. This was a question asked on the cyber equivalent of a meat market where the average guy considers himself a catch if his opening gambit in conversation is, do you enjoy being skull-fucked until you gag and puke? I’m still trying to fathom why my response to that question triggered a tirade of four letter prose.

But this question was raised (about sleeping with a potential partner, not about skull fucking total strangers) and generated worthwhile responses.

My first thought is, of course, I want to make sure that a potential partner and I have enough mutual interests and respect for each other to ensure that hours of awkward silence and mutual toleration are not the bedrock of a long term relationship. Have you ever been in a relationship where the two of you just talk passionately about one topic after another, long into the night until you both drift off, mid sentence, into a reluctant slumber? That’s what I’m talking about. That kind of mind clicking.

A fuck buddy or friend with benefits is completely useless when it comes to that kind of thing. They shoot their load then can’t wait to be shot of you until the next time they have a bulge in their pants. I can’t understand women that tolerate fuck buddies. They may as well sell that sex and time to someone that will appreciate it more than a fuck buddy, and least be capable of stringing enough words together to form a sentence.

But life isn’t all black and white. You assume a fuck buddy has some how wandered into the mix because they’re good at something sexual, even if they aren’t the brightest tool in the box.

But what happens when you've waited all your life for your chosen “soul mate” (yeah, someone pass the bucket) and the winner of the reality show to end all reality shows sucks in bed? And not the way you were hoping.

They may not actually be crap in bed. It may just be that what they are good at is just not something you are that keen on. No matter how earnestly a punter may say, but Pru, it's important to me that you enjoy this too, the truth is, he'll hate himself for paying to do something that he ends up not enjoying just because I enjoy it. So I always bat the ball back into their half of the court and insist it be about their pleasure. Five minutes in bed, doing something you are not interested in and derive no pleasure from feels like an eternity, let alone an hour. Let alone several years in a relationship, feeling unfulfilled because when it comes to sex, you and the person you care about want different things.

I couldn’t contemplate a relationship with someone who wasn’t as obsessed about anal sex as I am. And I don’t mean the guy who just taps your arse once in a while because it’s an optional orifice. I mean the kind of guy that can’t concentrate on work for thinking about the different ways he’ll be sampling your booty before he’s even shut the front door.

The same goes for breasts and nipples. Give me a guy who can make my nipples feel like they’ve spent an in a goat milker. I’ll be his compliant little hussy. It was after an evening with such a guy who pleasured my nipples so completely that I found myself uttering a suggestion that I never thought would pass my lips, “Which hole would you like to fuck?” Such was the pleasurable outcome of that cheeky question, that I haven’t stopped asking that question. Lucky for me that he liked anal sex.

In the next blog instalment, I’ll tell you about the last proper relationship I had and why it didn’t work. And it won’t be for the reasons you think.
