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Curvaceous Kate's meandering thoughts!

Waisting away!

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This is just a very quick update to let you know that the Marks & Spencers diet is still working and slowly but surely I am continuing to lose the weight.

Having retained just 2lbs of the weight loss from the last diet, I started at the 2 lbs point and now (or at least from yesterday) have lost a total of 18 lbs!!!! Fingers crossed this may have increased to 19 lbs when I weigh myself today, but as I have not done that yet, I will not presume, although I do know I had another good day.

I have changed things slightly. After 2 weeks of 'stabalising' but not losing I decided to re-evaluate what I was doing. Apart from the fact that I wasn't losing weight the M&S foods range are not the cheapest, so it is a fairly expensive diet to be on if it isn't going to work. I have also to take into consideration a couple of nights out including a 3 course meal (which I enjoyed every mouthful of) and a cosy night in with the girls, nibbles and copious amounts of red wine. With this in mind, I did very well not to put weight on, let alone retain it.

So, what am I doing? I went into excel and started keeping a daily chart of what I am consuming. As I generally drink decaf green tea or soda water and lime, which is negligable in calories, I don't as a rule add up the drinks, unless it is alcohol, but I do add up the meals and snacks that I each during the day and can see exactly how much I am eating. Now, I tend to lose weight quicker if I keep it under the 1200 mark and on the first day it was just over this. The second day I ate some sushi and dinner time, which was yummy and just 230 calories and it saw me through until about 9pm when I had my supper and this saw me through the hardest time of the night for me. The time when I start to get cravings for cheese and biscuits or other tantalising snacks.

A couple of days ago I went to the cinema in the evening and came home wanting toast, but instead a grabbed an oat bar worth 123 calories and had a sugar kick instead, but also managed to keep those calories down. It's kind of keeping me on the straight and narrow by knowing when I write it down I will have deserved to have lost weight or not and it is my own fault if I don't.

My next goal is to lose another half a stone and once I have done that I may look to lose one more full stone and leave it there. On the clinical weight chart I am borderline 'overweight' 'obese', which sounds awful but when I started I was a good 3/4's across the obese section, which was a big worry. Having said that, the chart says that I should be around 11 stone and I know that being that weight would made me look quite ill and lack lustre. I enjoy my curves and have no intention of losing them, so my lowest limit will be 12 1/2 stone.

That might make you wonder just how big I am and I may be commiting Escort suicide by telling you, but from yesterday I weighed in at 14 stone. For those that met me in the Autumn of last year, I was then carrying 15 stone and 4 lbs of weight and yes, I was describing myself as a BBW and yes I was a size 14/16, as I am quite tall and carry the weight well. I stand at 5 ft 7.5" in my stockinged feet. So the aim is to reduce to a size 12/14 at the moment and the way things are going it is very possible.

Notable changes so far? Well, my legs are more slender and shapely.
And my waist is getting smaller and more curvy. I've got from 38" waist to 35" so far. Here I'm wearing a 32" corset and it is nearly closed at the back in the middle, which I could have never done before.

Wish me luck with the rest of my weight loss and let's raise a glass to good old M&S for giving me decent food with lots of flavour, that isn't full of evil fat binding calories lol.

Watch this space!


  1. Curvaceous Kate's Avatar
    Woop, woop. I'm at 22lbs weight loss now