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[SIZE=4]Q1. Why does a man use a heavy woolen coat as a coat all summer and then put it away all winter?

Q2. Why did a man take three shoes with him to a meeting and who was he?

Q3. A man leaves home, makes three left turns, and returns home without speaking to anyone. He is very pleased. Why?

Q4. A woman manages to win a race even though she is heavily weighed down. How?

Q5. What is unique about the number 40?

Q6. A man wrote a book with a particular aim in mind. When it was published, he immediately realised that he had failed. Why?



  1. westcorklad's Avatar
    Is she a jockey wearing weights in a horse race?

    Life is supposed to begin at that age?
  2. westcorklad's Avatar
    Was he a sales rep for a footwear company who were selling a new type of shoe?
  3. magicalman9357's Avatar
    All great attempts WCL and do keep trying. :)
  4. monster_monster's Avatar
    Q1: He lives in the southern hemisphere so during our summer he is experiencing winter and vice versa.

    Q2: Simple, he's Jake the Peg


    Q3: That's commonly referred to as a home run :p

    Q4: It's a skydiving/parachuting race, first to the ground and all, so the extra weight helped with her descent

    Q5: Lots of things unique about the number 40 in maths, but I think you are more interested in the word forty and the fact all it's letters are in alphabetical order

    Q6: Because it was a book about the impossibility of writing a book for someone with no experience.
  5. magicalman9357's Avatar
    [QUOTE=monster_monster;bt4458]Q1: He lives in the southern hemisphere so during our summer he is experiencing winter and vice versa.

    Q2: Simple, he's Jake the Peg


    Q3: That's commonly referred to as a home run :p

    Q4: It's a skydiving/parachuting race, first to the ground and all, so the extra weight helped with her descent

    Q5: Lots of things unique about the number 40 in maths, but I think you are more interested in the word forty and the fact all it's letters are in alphabetical order

    Q6: Because it was a book about the impossibility of writing a book for someone with no experience.[/QUOTE]

    Q5. Correct MM and well done. No rollover this week. :)
  6. monster_monster's Avatar
    what about Q3, he was playing baseball and got a home run, are you ignoring my obvious correct answer???

    Unless he's playing cricket, but that way he could of also turned right
  7. magicalman9357's Avatar
    [QUOTE=monster_monster;bt4460]what about Q3, he was playing baseball and got a home run, are you ignoring my obvious correct answer???

    Unless he's playing cricket, but that way he could of also turned right[/QUOTE]

    Q3. Was waiting patienty for the full answer MM and once again well done. Two down four to go. :)
  8. westcorklad's Avatar
    Is it a piggyback race and she wins despite carrying some heavy person on her back?
    He had made a bet that no company would publish a book that he had written.When one did he lost the bet.
  9. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Is it a piggyback race and she wins despite carrying some heavy person on her back?
    He had made a bet that no company would publish a book that he had written.When one did he lost the bet.[/QUOTE]

    Absolutely fantastic attempts WCL. :)
  10. monster_monster's Avatar
    Q4: OK, instead of a sky diving race was it a diving race, first to the ocean floor is the winner, the weights were able to help her sink faster so she won.
  11. magicalman9357's Avatar
    [QUOTE=monster_monster;bt4471]Q4: OK, instead of a sky diving race was it a diving race, first to the ocean floor is the winner, the weights were able to help her sink faster so she won.[/QUOTE]

    What can I say MM except:


    Well done and back to your old form. :)
  12. magicalman9357's Avatar
    [SIZE=3]The Answers

    Q1. He is a farmer who uses the coat on a scarecrow in spring and summer to keep the birds away from his seeds and plants.

    Q2. The man was the Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev. At a heated meeting at the UN, he appeared to take off a shoe anf bang the table with it in a display of temper. It was a prepared act - he had taken an extra shoe with him for that purpose.

    Q6. Ernest Vincent Wright wrote [I]Gadsby[/I], a book of over 50,000 words, among none of which occurred the most common letter in the English Language, [I]e[/I]. However a careless printer put the author's name on the title page. Since the name contained three e's, it rather spoiled the effect.[/SIZE]