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Thread: Sexualisation of children

  1. Default Sexualisation of children

    I have been on the missing list for the last week and it seems ye have all been bery busy posting.
    I checked in on some of the threads which I was engaged in prior to my break and this point came up.
    I thought it worthy to give it it's very own thread as it brings up many questions in it's own right.

    There are make-up sets and high heels now available for toddlers. There are tiny string bikinis available for toddlers. There are bras, padded, available for 5year olds. Young role models are highly sexed in the movies and it pop videos.

    Yes parents are supposed to exercise discretion on all of the above but while you need a license to own a dog, you do not to be a parent and so there will be children who own all of the above and will be exposed to sexualised TV which they are not yet capable of emotionally evaluating.

    Linking this to paedophilia???

    Views, please.
    The infamous and unique Irish Soairsa lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Take a look at this

    Mother Of The Year Jordan Gives 2 Year Old Daughter A Make-Over |

    Apparently jordans next carrear move is to craete a line of cosmetics which i have major problem with.You are only a kid once for ffs will this women sink any lower exploiting her own children for her own gains.
    I have lived a life of regrets.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010


    I don't have any answers but find it completely sickening.

    There doesn't seem to be any link in these parents heads (whether through naivety or willful ignorance) that their sexualising their own kids. Sure, kids want to be grown up but isn't it the parents responsibility to guide them through wisdom? Children don't know whats best for them a lot of the time, so a 5 year old wanting make up so she can look more like her older sister is natural. The parents giving in to the childs wishes isn't, especially given the news stories regarding pedophilia.

    Worse, the culture of beauty pageants for children in western countries is a very disturbing trend.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by aml View Post
    Take a look at this

    Mother Of The Year Jordan Gives 2 Year Old Daughter A Make-Over |

    Apparently jordans next carrear move is to craete a line of cosmetics which i have major problem with.You are only a kid once for ffs will this women sink any lower exploiting her own children for her own gains.
    Jordan? This woman is exactly the kind of woman that i never want to date or end up with. Each time i hear or see something ih her it reminds me of why we should all be grateful for our god given brains.

    what a moron,

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irish Soairsa View Post
    I have been on the missing list for the last week and it seems ye have all been bery busy posting.
    I checked in on some of the threads which I was engaged in prior to my break and this point came up.
    I thought it worthy to give it it's very own thread as it brings up many questions in it's own right.

    There are make-up sets and high heels now available for toddlers. There are tiny string bikinis available for toddlers. There are bras, padded, available for 5year olds. Young role models are highly sexed in the movies and it pop videos.

    Yes parents are supposed to exercise discretion on all of the above but while you need a license to own a dog, you do not to be a parent and so there will be children who own all of the above and will be exposed to sexualised TV which they are not yet capable of emotionally evaluating.

    Linking this to paedophilia???

    Views, please.
    children should be allowed to be children.

    thats always being my view on it,

  6. #6
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    Sep 2006


    I had said something about this on the "Quite a controversial topic" thread started by Jammy Dodger, but the topic seemed to die amidst so many gold-fish memories. Anyway, here's my post from there copy/pasted, as it's fully relevant to the topic:

    "This as well as a lot of the other things said on the topic so far have been very good points, but there's something which has yet to be mentioned which I think must be brought up in any discussion about paedophilia/child abuse: The Sexualization of Children.

    As I'm sure most if not all of you would agree, children (especially girls) are being sexualized at younger and younger ages. They are wearing make-up and having revealing clothing marketed to them, and are exposed to the likes of Miley Cyrus as role models, who stirred-up some well deserved controversy for her stage act and some of the photos of her that have emerged and are easily found on the net with her in nought but bra and nickers.

    A few years ago the clothing company Abercrombie & Fitch found themselves in some hot water in the U.S. for marketing thong nickers to girls 10 and under.

    Abercrombie criticized for sexy undies - May. 22, 2002

    While I agree that there are certainly sick individuals out there that would abuse children (or at least have the impulses to do so) no matter what the circumstances, I feel that the discussion of this topic would be leaving out something important if the Sexualization of Children were not mentioned and added to the discussion."

  7. #7
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    Its a disgrace for companies to be targeting children in this way. But it is up to the parents to safeguard the child. Now you are always going to have parents who dont have a scruple between them who will want their child looking like the whore on the street or as Westie says Jordan. Children have not developed emotionally to understand whats going on and are more inclined to follow social trends and fashion. Their is pause for thought in that if we dress our children provoctivaly are they more inclined to turn heads in a semi sexual way. Paedophiles may be on the look out for children and if they see one in a highly sexed get up they are more likely to target that child as easy pickings.

    This should be outlawed but will never be
    Join the E-I Fantasy Football League

  8. #8
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    selling makeup and adult themed items to children is just plain wrong, their parents should be shot. Children should not be encouraged to wear makup or dress provocatively

    I saw this article on the Scum website a while back and just wanted to punch this mother in the stupid face, what a fucking muppet

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