Quote Originally Posted by nonpareil View Post
The 3rd building being the Pentagon. The largest or 2nd largest building in the world (along with Romania's/Ceaucescu's "Palace of the people"...and discounting aircraft hangars).
The Pentagon had a hole punched into part of it ..what you would expect with a plane impact.
The twin towers were skyscrapers , a lage jetliner crashed into such a building at speed might well have a catastrophic effect. The weight of the stories above the impact site collapsing into the lower stories likely precipicitated the overall collapse.
A pilot about to crash land will try and empty the fuel tanks.
Part of the tactic on the day was that the planes had only taken off ,so had full fuel tanks adding to the fireball and igniting the contents of offices and whatever was on the affected floors.
The physical vibration of the impact and the resultant fireball weakened the structural steel, ergo collapse, no other explosives needed.
E&OE. ....I am not a structural engineer.
Just watch it and it will explain why everything you just said is wrong, and I'm not trying to be a dickhead by saying that, also as another lad pointed out the 3rd building was WTC 7 which wasn't hit by any planes but an office fire brought down the building in a perfect collapse at free fall speed.

All in the documentary