Quote Originally Posted by Kliati moskali View Post
Do you wake up every morning , considering ways that you make a fool of your self today.

I will deal with your points on an indiviual basis ,so u will understand.

1. The mardyke is a big area of cork city stretching from the courthouse to the old dog track..........it has many,many corners.

2. This brothel is putting my freedom at risk if it gets raided whilst i am visiting said establishment under the assumption ,that there is one independent escort working there.(information which is gleamed from this site). So I actually not bothered if the gardai know because i wont be there hence my freedom.

3. The location of the afore mentioned establishment was actually mention in a review on this website.

4. Speaking of potential clients . Gardai are potential clients are they not, or do they not have sex.

I hope that you can read and understand the clarity of my points. My warning of this brothel is to help fellow punters ............As in my short time registered here i believed that this was one of the fundamentals of this website.

Maybe if you imparted a review or two from your vast knowledge of escorts(instead of jumping on my posts with meaningless tribe ). You too could improve the punter knowledge on this site. If memory serves me correct ,you registered in 2006 , not a great return.

ps hows your sister
Good on you. Like that old saying goes; no good deed goes unpunished. These brothels you speak of in Cork have been around years, longer than I have been punting, and yes they do occasionally get raided, and yes, you're better off not going there...

Here's the thing though, if you mention that an Escort advertising on here is working from there do you think Patricia and Company will take the advert down? Fuck no.

Lets say we visited an escort and while we were there we got a bad vibe... maybe it was the hulking doorman, or when you went in to see the escort she was crying and the only English she spoke was "get me out of here!". Lets say you did the right thing, you left and told everyone on here... would Patricia take down the advert? Fuck no.

Now, that's never happened to me, personally I don't think we have any trafficking problem in Ireland (and neither do the Guards if you read their report from 2006) but I'm just making a point. You won't be rewarded for doing the right thing on this forum.

Does she care if an escort gets arrested? Nope. Does she care if you get arrested? Nope. She doesn't even care if the Escort has a false "verified" photo, because the only thing Patricia cares about is money baby. That's it.

So, keep fighting the good fight I recommend starting a blog, I did...

Punter John