JERRY: Welcome back, now we have Dr. Bigpaws here to explain what's going on here ..........
BIGPAWS: Hi Jerry ........... after talking to these two sickos ....
JERRY: Sorry doctor isn't that politically incorrect??
BIGPAWS: Sorry Jerry .......... after speaking in depth to these two freaks I have come to the conclusion that they are way beyond help.
FLYSHIT: Jajajajajajaja!!! (west is sucking flyshit's cock while sticking his big toe up west's arse)
BIGPAWS: See!! (pointing towards the couple)
JERRY: Yes I see doctor ............. Steve???
STEVE: I'll get the hose Jerry ............
BIGPAWS: Westside is suffering from gender identity crisis brought on by being sexually molested as a young boy by a much older gentleman ........... even his profile on EI states, and I quote, "I want to be a woman". Under gender he writes "Tv/Ts" .........
JERRY: And flyshit??
BIGPAWS: He's just a cunt with hair!!
JERRY: Thanks doctor .............
