It is not the lack of a marketplace that has the prices of some escorts disproportionate to their value in relation to others.

It is a simple law of economics......................... supply and demand.

There is a demand and probably always will be and therefore there will also be a supply available................but at a price.

That price will always, always, be whatever the market can support.

Currently in Ireland we expect escorts to work from appartments that are relatively new, dress well and to advertise on a couple of websites. They also need exclusive access to a computor to remain in touch with their emails.

All these requirements that we, their clients, need add to the expenses incurred by these girl.

All the above means that there is already a large portion of our fees gone on their expenses.

Some girls market their product better that others and as such will get a bigger and better response irrespective of how well they perform as is repeat bookings that will be affected by bad performance.

Do they, the escorts need repeat bookings?

Certainly all the home based girls do...............and they are usually the ones that offer the best service with reviews.

Touring girls don't need reviews or repeat bookings, generally, as they have moved on and don't intend to return. Some return with a new name.

It is often these girls who generate the most complaints about their service, prices, pics and lack of reviews.

Bad escorts will continue to seek and get fees equal to the best escorts while we continue to pay them.

I don't wish to paint all touring with the same paintbrush. Some are excellent and show us what we should be getting from the regular home based girls.

So whenever you meet a quality escort don't haggle over the price just be prepared to pay more to encourage a better service.

Stop expecting a faboulous service from girls in expensive appartments at similar prices of girls in cheap brothels in Bulgaria.
