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Thread: Trusted Reviewer Criteria

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Trusted Reviewer Criteria

    1. A list of all TR's to be posted in sticky mode in Reviews Chat.

    2. The list will be separated into two different groups. One group labelled Active TR Reviewers and the second labelled as Legend TR's. Why Lengend TR's? Well the reason for this is that there have been some great TR reviewers with large amounts of reviews of Escorts still featuring on and off on E-I. I believe that instead of taking badges off great reviewers we should keep them on E-I as Legends as most of the community regard them like that. I believe it adds some respect and prestige to the TR Badge.

    3. Badges will be awarded during the Year. Members should only Apply by PM and not post their intentions.

    4. Your profile should preferably although not necessarily be 2 years registered and contain 10 reviews. This is not a requirement but is prefered. What is a requirement is that applicants should at least have 3 written Escort references which will be checked by E-I Mods/Staff.

    5. Any new proposed TR must be actively posting. This is to ensure that they are answerable to forum. If a member decides to take a break or cut back on his posts this would be acceptable. If they are gone from the forum for 6 months or more they can become Legend instead of being be-badged.

    6. Any TR abusing his TR position and looking for discount/freebe in exchange for good review or indeed any TR acting troll-like should loose his badge although it must be proved to a satisfactory level for the Mods/Managers inorder to decide.

    7. You should have a good and honest character represented by posts, blogs, interviews, and any other contributions to the E-I community forums. Any negative or undesirable character will not be awarded a badge.

    8. A panel of three Moderators will approve/disapprove the applicants by vote after viewing the applicants history and references. If even one Mod member disapproves of an applicant then the member is rejected. They may apply again/appeal the decision.

    So how do you request a badge? First get 3 Escorts you've met to send you a written reference. When you've gotten 3 then forward them to thehighwayman along with your request for the badge. We will then contact the Escorts asking for verification on your references.

    We will not except PMs from Escorts directly acting on your behalf. If you don't send a request then its not a request.
    Last edited by thehighwayman; 24-01-11 at 19:43.
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