Quote Originally Posted by bigpaws View Post
You know I was just wondering to myself earliar today how a busy successful escort like you has so much time to post on here .............. then it hit me!! You have so much free time because you sit at home waiting for the phone to ring ............ but that sadly doesn't happen so often anymore!!
So you get depressed and decide to raid the fridge ......... which only makes matters worse because any naive punters who DO decide to visit you find an over-the-hill overweight "used-to-be" escort resulting in them NEVER returning for a second visit and you getting more and more bitter, depressed, fat etc

The result of all this bitterness and free time is you taking it out on the bastard punter (me!) who represents in your mind ALL those bastard (but honest!) punters who write bad reviews and never call again ............. to use a phrase of yours, tragic.

Paws for thought
You were thinking about me?
With your cock in your hand I'll bet

Heather x