Quote Originally Posted by ksteve View Post
With respect, I have thought about it.

One of the perks of being a member of E-I is that it gives you some sort of track record which will give comfort to the escort. I would suggest that most of the truly independent professional escort will have themselves sorted with easy access to the internet. They are skilled at identifying ' fantasist emails pretty quickly !

I am not going to tell you what info I like to exchange by email but it is important to me that its got right, for both parties. Do you want to land yourself in a Sligo type [ see the current thread ] situation ? For me any steps that I can take which reduces that possibility should be taken.

Solid answer Steveo but the problems remain.

For every serious enquiry there will be an untold number of morons who type lurid emails with no intention of every making a booking.

A couple of girls I saw this year didn't have two words of English - you're quite often dealing with a third party taking the escorts bookings. It's tricky.

I think we're all getting too mechanical with punting, you have to keep a bit of mystery to it. Surprises, good and bad are part of the game.