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Thread: Thoughts of a novice

  1. #1

    Default Thoughts of a novice


    I thought I'd share a few thoughts from a novice at this .... hobby ..

    I had my first experience back in early December and it was largely terrible. I met the lady at the door and was shown into a cupboard in her flat. There was a bed in it but there wasn't room for much else. She also hardly spoke a word of English - which didn't help. I don't want to go into any more details (there were a couple of other things that didn't do it for me at all) but it kinda put me off the whole idea but then I though I'd give it another go in early January as a "just before going back to work" treat.

    This one was just fantastic. She met me at the door in a bathrobe and we were ... occupied .. only 3 minutes later. She was local so language was not a problem. She was also friendly, interested, engaged, willing, enthusiastic, attractive and all the other great adverbs that you care to use. I'd quite happily go back.

    So that's my experience to date. One terrible visit and one fantastic one which more than made up for it. Now I just want to repeat that good one!!

  2. #2


    Can't - The one that I would want to do a review for doesn't advertise on this site.

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