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Thread: Escorting is a dangerous business - FACT

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Escorting is a dangerous business - FACT

    I cant quite believe the naivety of some of my fellow punters.
    Some of you really seem to think that there is little or no risk in seeing an escort if you just dont use your real name and use a punting sim card..
    Well wake UP and smell the coffee, cos the minute you pick up that phone, you are exposed.
    An escort, however much she smiles and jokes with you, is a stranger, and she is in BUSINESS. Its her livelihood. And YOU are a stranger to her.
    So anything she can do to a/ protect herself or b/ get good business, she will.
    I dont mean this in a nasty way, its just that most girls use their commonsense, dont get emotionally involved and protect themselves.
    It is actually quite common to keep a client list. Dont you guys see the news FFS?
    Just google "escort client list" and you will get many hits of court cases and madams exposing the rich and famous. OK, so its mainly in the US but the principle remains the same
    Do NOT see and escort unless you are prepared to be eventually found out.
    And that means expect your face to be caught by a security camera, seen by someone you know (Ireland is a smaller place than you think!) and the escort to protect herself by recording your phone no and ANY other details she thinks will help.
    Take Brenda for example. She was brutally attacked and beaten up.
    So ask yourself, would you not use any means possible to try and stop this happening?
    So if there is a list, good or bad, with someones details on it, you can bet your last buck that you would check it. You may not like the idea of being on it, but the girls sure as hell like the idea of knowing exactly what awaits them the other side of the door!

    So come on guys, cop on. Have your fun, but dont ever think you are completely safe and that the wife will never find out.

    Just be as safe and as careful as you can, escorts and punters alike

    BTW - Westie - this is now the 7th thread on one subject of client lists, comprenda?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Rory

    Quote Originally Posted by roryman View Post
    I cant quite believe the naivety of some of my fellow punters.
    Some of you really seem to think that there is little or no risk in seeing an escort if you just dont use your real name and use a punting sim card..
    Well wake UP and smell the coffee, cos the minute you pick up that phone, you are exposed.
    An escort, however much she smiles and jokes with you, is a stranger, and she is in BUSINESS. Its her livelihood. And YOU are a stranger to her.
    So anything she can do to a/ protect herself or b/ get good business, she will.
    I dont mean this in a nasty way, its just that most girls use their commonsense, dont get emotionally involved and protect themselves.
    It is actually quite common to keep a client list. Dont you guys see the news FFS?
    Just google "escort client list" and you will get many hits of court cases and madams exposing the rich and famous. OK, so its mainly in the US but the principle remains the same
    Do NOT see and escort unless you are prepared to be eventually found out.
    And that means expect your face to be caught by a security camera, seen by someone you know (Ireland is a smaller place than you think!) and the escort to protect herself by recording your phone no and ANY other details she thinks will help.
    Take Brenda for example. She was brutally attacked and beaten up.
    So ask yourself, would you not use any means possible to try and stop this happening?
    So if there is a list, good or bad, with someones details on it, you can bet your last buck that you would check it. You may not like the idea of being on it, but the girls sure as hell like the idea of knowing exactly what awaits them the other side of the door!

    So come on guys, cop on. Have your fun, but dont ever think you are completely safe and that the wife will never find out.

    Just be as safe and as careful as you can, escorts and punters alike

    BTW - Westie - this is now the 7th thread on one subject of client lists, comprenda?
    I can only speak for myself but dont for one sec suggest that i dont think escorting isnt dangerous or even a nice job.In fact if at all possible i try to discourage a girl from doing it.Having said that ppl usually have their minds made up regardless.Also dont for a sec suggest that i dont care if an escort is beaten or attacked or even robbed because i do.

    A few things.I can understand all your saying and in retrospect the idea of a clients list in theory isnt a bad idea but its not all that safe a means of protection as you would imagine.Anyone that has the potential to attack or beat or harm a girl is going to cover their asses.They are going to give a false name,use a seperate sim and are not going to be caught either.

    Also i believe that most 99% of the hassle escorts have to deal with is part and parcel of the job same as a grave digger has to look at sad ppl all the time.Goes with the territory.Most of the hassle escorts deal with are crank calls or texts by some guy that has a chip on his shoulder,a guy posting crap or similar.Most 99% of guys would not beat an escort up.Now i know 1% is too much anyway but trust me when i say that that 1% would have happened anyway.

    I take no joy in hearing about a woman being attacked or beaten.Guys that do this should try other guys to take their probs out on and not an escort but the threat is part and parcel of the job.If a woman advertises herslef as sex for sale then she is goign to attract all sorts to her place.

    I think that the girls didnt do this as a means of compromising guys security.They did it with their own in mind but they should have suggested it on forums and see what feedback they would get.

    Now im going to repeat myself for the benefit of the bewildered.Im not saying its fine to have an escorts safety compiomised.Im not saying that its fine if a girl comes to harm.What i am saying is that they went the wrong way about it.It was a stupid thing to do.


  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by roryman View Post
    I cant quite believe the naivety of some of my fellow punters.
    Some of you really seem to think that there is little or no risk in seeing an escort if you just dont use your real name and use a punting sim card..
    Well wake UP and smell the coffee, cos the minute you pick up that phone, you are exposed.
    An escort, however much she smiles and jokes with you, is a stranger, and she is in BUSINESS. Its her livelihood. And YOU are a stranger to her.
    So anything she can do to a/ protect herself or b/ get good business, she will.
    I dont mean this in a nasty way, its just that most girls use their commonsense, dont get emotionally involved and protect themselves.
    It is actually quite common to keep a client list. Dont you guys see the news FFS?
    Just google "escort client list" and you will get many hits of court cases and madams exposing the rich and famous. OK, so its mainly in the US but the principle remains the same
    Do NOT see and escort unless you are prepared to be eventually found out.
    And that means expect your face to be caught by a security camera, seen by someone you know (Ireland is a smaller place than you think!) and the escort to protect herself by recording your phone no and ANY other details she thinks will help.
    Take Brenda for example. She was brutally attacked and beaten up.
    So ask yourself, would you not use any means possible to try and stop this happening?
    So if there is a list, good or bad, with someones details on it, you can bet your last buck that you would check it. You may not like the idea of being on it, but the girls sure as hell like the idea of knowing exactly what awaits them the other side of the door!

    So come on guys, cop on. Have your fun, but dont ever think you are completely safe and that the wife will never find out.

    Just be as safe and as careful as you can, escorts and punters alike

    BTW - Westie - this is now the 7th thread on one subject of client lists, comprenda?
    What you are saying is true. I have discovered this recently. It is not worth the result.


  4. Default OH what a tangled web we weave.. when first we practice to deceive

    Yes Escorting can be dangerous..BUT what of us girls who first were not invited to the list(Not that i would of joined)
    I personally do not need a good clients list but i am more then upset that some of us girls were not included to know about the dangerous list, do we all not have the right to that information?
    I have been told that we all had privy to the dangerous clients list and if this is so WHY IS THERE A PRIVATE LIST AT ALL.
    Now the assholes who are dangerous can now change their number/numbers.
    The system that IIE had to check dangerous numbers has worked for me up until now,we all cant trust any of these numbers

    Toni x



  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bootylisious View Post
    Yes Escorting can be dangerous..BUT what of us girls who first were not invited to the list(Not that i would of joined)
    I personally do not need a good clients list but i am more then upset that some of us girls were not included to know about the dangerous list, do we all not have the right to that information?
    I have been told that we all had privy to the dangerous clients list and if this is so WHY IS THERE A PRIVATE LIST AT ALL.
    Now the assholes who are dangerous can now change their number/numbers.
    The system that IIE had to check dangerous numbers has worked for me up until now,we all cant trust any of these numbers

    Toni x


    No, that list (little black book) was for the ELITE-whatever that means

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I have no doubt that the escorts set this up for their own safety and for no other reason. They open the door to strangers and don't know what to expect. Of course their going to do a bit of a check on people.The problem is they went about it the wrong way. One of the things that's annoying the clients is the comments left beside a client that's ok. How relevant to safety is if a man has a big cock or small cock, likes cross dressing, writes reviews, scar on his face, in a wheelchair etc. I accept that not all of the girls involved would've put detailed comments in. It might only be a few and we shouldn't tar them all with the same brush.For my number there was 2 listings, presumably by 2 different escorts and all that was in it my last 6 digits of my number and ok. I think 4 digits would've been enough if there had to be any number. But personally I think just a username and say he's ok would be enough and no comments. For a person in a wheelchair I'm sure he would tell her while making the appointment, so theres no need for that. For the bad client list if their dangerous theres a need for their numbers to be displayed and whatever comments necessary. Distinguishing features etc. But not for the good clients. It should be more vague for good decent clients.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by anitasizzle View Post
    no, that list (little black book) was for the elite-whatever that means
    you shouldnt have to worry anna..doubht youlL ever have a little black book of interest

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Having your name, address, credit card numbers, phone numbers, employment details and more in the hands of eastern european crimelords....

    What could possibly go wrong?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by nicegirlsarenice View Post
    Having your name, address, credit card numbers, phone numbers, employment details and more in the hands of eastern european crimelords....

    What could possibly go wrong?

    I would be more worried about it falling into the hands of some Irish scam bag, than some eastern European crimelord. We have equally as bad crime lords over here.

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