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Thread: Fucking Bronchitis

  1. #1

    Default Fucking Bronchitis

    I have had it now since Sunday my second time in 2 years..I have the most unbelievable soar throat..My ears are aching like mad =..I have headaches my head is spinning all the time and I have fainted twice ..I was at the top of the stairs when I fainted the first time and I fell down it and banged up my hip luckily that was all..I have also lost 20 pounds in weight purely through sweat and I am coughing up flem..I got my antibiotics yesterday and they seem to be working...Has anyone else gone through this...The sleep is killing me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    so my brother who works in HR told me that there is this gobshite at work: a real slacker, who phoned in with bronchitis and has been off all week, Had it before apparently !

    Also claims to have fallen down the stairs. He reckons it will get him only light duties when/if he returns to work....

    Don't you just hate those people ? and the union will probably defend him regardless

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
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    Ah you poor thing...

    Get lots of rest, lots of vitamin C, keep warm, and sending you get well vibes x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by poppy View Post
    I have had it now since Sunday my second time in 2 years..I have the most unbelievable soar throat..My ears are aching like mad =..I have headaches my head is spinning all the time and I have fainted twice ..I was at the top of the stairs when I fainted the first time and I fell down it and banged up my hip luckily that was all..I have also lost 20 pounds in weight purely through sweat and I am coughing up flem..I got my antibiotics yesterday and they seem to be working...Has anyone else gone through this...The sleep is killing me
    Nasty shit man , had a horrible dose 3weeks ago . The mornings were the worst , as soon as i woke i'd be coughing so violently i was getting sick . Some disturbing dreams about paint a few nights in a row . Took honey and lemon drinks to ease the cough and got a course of antibiotics into me . What you should watch out for is the throat infection you have , if it continues to get worse get your ass to a doc or your local A&E dept . Dont wanna worry ya too much but in extreme cases people have died from it , no bull . All the best horse
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  5. #5
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    For sore throad, there is a spray you can get from the chemist called Diflam I think. It tastes nasty but does kill the pain.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    For sore throad, there is a spray you can get from the chemist called Diflam I think. It tastes nasty but does kill the pain.
    Top 5 medicines Poppy?

    1/ Nurofen Plus
    2/ Morphine
    3/ Hot Toddy
    4/ Prescription Drugs
    5/ Having your mum wait on you hand and foot!

  7. #7
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Default Get well soon Poppy

    Quote Originally Posted by poppy View Post
    I have had it now since Sunday my second time in 2 years..I have the most unbelievable soar throat..My ears are aching like mad =..I have headaches my head is spinning all the time and I have fainted twice ..I was at the top of the stairs when I fainted the first time and I fell down it and banged up my hip luckily that was all..I have also lost 20 pounds in weight purely through sweat and I am coughing up flem..I got my antibiotics yesterday and they seem to be working...Has anyone else gone through this...The sleep is killing me

    Big kisses and wish you well soon........take the couse of the antibotics. Hope you get well really soon and if you hurt yourself when you blacked out and have bruises Arnica - that stuff in my home is no one in the cabinet.........

    Big kisses to you from London......XXXX

  8. #8


    Thanks All..I have all the meds but I must get the throat stuff Patricia recommended ..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Keep looking at the lovely pictures on this website and your antibiotics and you'll be better in no time. I know it's not much consolation now but there could be worse things wrong with you. At least it's curable.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

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