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Thread: Trust between clients and escorts

  1. #1

    Default Trust between clients and escorts

    Trust between clients and escorts is something that is so important.Nowadays especially.
    It was pointed out in another thread about all the beggars in Dublin.

    Yes Dublin's changed in recent years and its not all down to the beggars. This is why I want to bring up an important point to you guys.Its about trusting the escort you are booking.Without trust we have nothing.

    When I first started coming over to Ireland for work. Very few touring escorts from the UK visited.I never experienced hassle on my first tours,this came a few years later. Opportunists jumped on the band wagon and things changed.This is why escorts wont reply to unlisted numbers.Or wont see anyone without a mobile.

    From the majority of threads on this boards it seems that most of you guys are intelligent and I feel fair minded.I have noticed the genuine responses that you give to threads that
    ask for your honest opinion.I respect you for this and feel I can raise some points here that will get sensible replies.

    OK guys,do you honestly feel its unreasonable for an escort to ask your for your mobile number before she takes the booking?

    I for one think its a sensible thing to do.Personally I wouldn't see anyone without it.What puzzles me is why guys are afraid to give it out.There is no escort with half a brain who wants to interrogate potential clients.However escorts need to be safe and try to do what they can to keep safe.

    Of course there are stories of stupid escorts ringing clients and sending texts without the clients permission.But these kind of girls are from the lower end of the market.

    Speaking for myself, I am a mature women with a professional day job.Ive a vast wisdom of life and would never text or ring any client without his permission ever.There's plenty of my clients here that wuld vouch for me on this.Please ask in your private forums.Not in chat room because i never use it.The administers of this site can vouch for me on this.

    So if the low life are to be beaten then paranoia must stop.Stupid games have to be stopped and guys,if you are genuine,you will understand why I and others ask for your number.

    Its not just Ireland that I ask for numbers its where ever I go.Plus if I do out-call to an hotel.I ask for the hotel number and ring the client before I even leave my home.
    To me this is common sense.

    I would be interested to hear from any guy who experienced problems after giving an escort his number.But only if it happened to you and its not hearsay.Also what you consider to be inappropriate questions asked by escorts.Yes some escorts do go to far with what they require before taking a booking.But not the majority.

    So guys when I post my tour in another week or so and my adverts appears on this site.Please give me you mobile number and if I have booking free I will see you.That's not to much to ask for is it?
    Be interested to hear your views on this.

    Samantha x

  2. #2

    Default forgot to add

    Quote Originally Posted by samymature View Post
    Trust between clients and escorts is something that is so important.Nowadays especially.
    It was pointed out in another thread about all the beggars in Dublin.

    Yes Dublin's changed in recent years and its not all down to the beggars. This is why I want to bring up an important point to you guys.Its about trusting the escort you are booking.Without trust we have nothing.

    When I first started coming over to Ireland for work. Very few touring escorts from the UK visited.I never experienced hassle on my first tours,this came a few years later. Opportunists jumped on the band wagon and things changed.This is why escorts wont reply to unlisted numbers.Or wont see anyone without a mobile.

    From the majority of threads on this boards it seems that most of you guys are intelligent and I feel fair minded.I have noticed the genuine responses that you give to threads that
    ask for your honest opinion.I respect you for this and feel I can raise some points here that will get sensible replies.

    OK guys,do you honestly feel its unreasonable for an escort to ask your for your mobile number before she takes the booking?

    I for one think its a sensible thing to do.Personally I wouldn't see anyone without it.What puzzles me is why guys are afraid to give it out.There is no escort with half a brain who wants to interrogate potential clients.However escorts need to be safe and try to do what they can to keep safe.

    Of course there are stories of stupid escorts ringing clients and sending texts without the clients permission.But these kind of girls are from the lower end of the market.

    Speaking for myself, I am a mature women with a professional day job.Ive a vast wisdom of life and would never text or ring any client without his permission ever.There's plenty of my clients here that wuld vouch for me on this.Please ask in your private forums.Not in chat room because i never use it.The administers of this site can vouch for me on this.

    So if the low life are to be beaten then paranoia must stop.Stupid games have to be stopped and guys,if you are genuine,you will understand why I and others ask for your number.

    Its not just Ireland that I ask for numbers its where ever I go.Plus if I do out-call to an hotel.I ask for the hotel number and ring the client before I even leave my home.
    To me this is common sense.

    I would be interested to hear from any guy who experienced problems after giving an escort his number.But only if it happened to you and its not hearsay.Also what you consider to be inappropriate questions asked by escorts.Yes some escorts do go to far with what they require before taking a booking.But not the majority.

    So guys when I post my tour in another week or so and my adverts appears on this site.Please give me you mobile number and if I have booking free I will see you.That's not to much to ask for is it?
    Be interested to hear your views on this.

    Samantha x
    PS you can email me at if you want to respond privately.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Sammy is right in everything she stated here.
    Same is my opinion.\,and most of the times i don't really answer unlisted numbers,
    I would not see guys younger than 30,and i would not see first timers etc.....

    I want client to be

    Irish (in most cases)
    Someone who have meet me before
    Be older than 30
    Speak to me straight,and leave the sh1t out asking me questions that are not even related to my work or are suspicious.....or asking what s my real name and do i have boyfriend.

    When i meet u in person,i can answer the second one,but no such questions should be directed to me at all,as i am happy as i am and i am not looking for any boyfriends and especially on here....
    I m still lurking sometimes ;-)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008


    There shouldn't be a problem for clients giving their numbers. I'm sure most use another sim card anyhow. But I always give me number to the escort.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  5. #5

    Default Then you are

    Then you are genuine guy. Its like I say,if no number is given out be suspicious girls x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    i have to agree with you samantha.

    like you myself and Alyssa were some of the first touring ladies to come across to Ireland. It seems the pleasantries of the past when it comes to safety issues are long gone. There were never concerns over being attacked and threatened, but these seem to be the norm these days.

    like you mentioned as more and more ladies decided to tour over here, the more nasties seems to creep out of the woodwork. as the saying goes it only takes one bad apple to spoil the broth. it is sad that for the genuine gentleman out there that these concerns are out there.

    however in saying that, most gents are more than happy to give and provide their numbers, and references of ladies they have met in the past should you ask for it. a big thank you to those gents who make things easier.

    hopefully this safety issue will subside and it will go back to the good old days when things ran a bit smoother...

    i must say guys not one lady that i know will take an appointment from a withheld or private number, so if discretion is an issue for you and you are unaware if you can trust a lady with having your number, then its simple just get a second pay as you go sim card, which you use for the "girls"..

    lets have some naughty fun and forget about all the unpleasantries about at the moment.... i think a little respect from both sides will do wonders

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    I would always aire on the side of caution, never calling an escort with a traceable no. This is not because i want to decieve the escort nor would I have a problem with them storing it in their brain but I do not understand why an escort needs to keep a mobile number on her phone or a diary (unless it's an online one)
    Now I can understand why some clients would have a problem with this and it is a simple one, if an escort is raided by either the Gardai or thugs the first thing they go for is the mobile phone which has my number in it, which I know is remote but could in theory lead to awkward situations.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default I'm worried..

    I for one have become very worried about discretion lately escorts have named clients names on this board recently the resident maggot expressed that she was going to write about experiences of escorts & clients though I find it hard to believe she is close to many of either, I take nothing for granted she has said other escorts have discussed me & expressed negative things about me By God if only u knew me u would know that this was a total lie but hey she has been proven a liar before Yes I am worried about discretion so much so that I am thinking of giving up escorting..

  9. #9

    Default Who would believe it,lol.

    Punt till your ready to stop darling.Not all escorts are bad.
    Some peoples time is running out,ahahahahahah.

    Samantha x

    I haven't hardened my heart,just the muscles around it.

  10. #10

    Smile Girls united!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by annasavicha View Post
    Sammy is right in everything she stated here.
    Same is my opinion.\,and most of the times i don't really answer unlisted numbers,
    I would not see guys younger than 30,and i would not see first timers etc.....

    I want client to be

    Irish (in most cases)
    Someone who have meet me before
    Be older than 30
    Speak to me straight,and leave the sh1t out asking me questions that are not even related to my work or are suspicious.....or asking what s my real name and do i have boyfriend.

    When i meet u in person,i can answer the second one,but no such questions should be directed to me at all,as i am happy as i am and i am not looking for any boyfriends and especially on here....
    Great minds think alike... I like your actitude babe.

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