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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Uk Clampdown

    BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Prostitute users face clampdown

    Prostitute users face clampdown

    Jacqui Smith says she is concerned about vulnerable women
    Paying for sex with prostitutes who are controlled by pimps is set to become a criminal offence in England and Wales, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said.

    Anyone who knowingly pays illegally trafficked women for sex could face rape charges, while kerb crawlers could face prosecution for a first offence.

    There will also be more "naming and shaming" of kerb crawlers and new police powers to close brothels.

    Buying or selling sex is legal but soliciting and pimping are not.

    The changes bring the law in England and Wales more into line with Scotland, where anyone looking to pick up a prostitute faces a fine of up to £1,000.

    Ms Smith said the government had considered banning paying for sex altogether but had ruled this out as there was no public support for such a move.

    Instead, she said the government's efforts would be focused on reducing demand for trafficked women, who were "effectively held as slaves", and there would be a marketing campaign aimed at men who used prostitutes.

    We want to send a clear message to force men to think twice before sex

    She told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "My proposal is that men should think twice about paying for sex. The reason they should do that is actually the majority of women don't want to be involved in prostitution."

    She added: "Trafficked women don't have a choice, men do."

    Ms Smith said up to 70% of prostitutes were controlled by pimps or had been trafficked into the country and the government was working closely with the police on plans to enforce the new laws.

    But Nikki Adams, of the English Collective of Prostitutes, said the government had "made up" the number of women being trafficked into the UK and most prostitution was "consenting sex".

    Brothel powers

    Under the plan, the Home Office is planning to criminalise paying for sex with a woman "controlled for another person's gain".

    Those convicted would get a fine and a criminal record.

    Pleading ignorance of the circumstances under which a prostitute is working will not count as a defence.

    Under the plans, people who pay a prostitute for sex knowing they have been trafficked against their will could be charged with rape.

    Ms Smith will promise that kerb-crawling will be punishable the first time a person is caught doing it, rather than just persistent offenders.

    The Home Office said police would get powers to close brothels

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Facism is alive and well, Wont be long untill the muppets in our government do the same

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by kieree73 View Post
    Facism is alive and well, Wont be long untill the muppets in our government do the same
    Hopefully not. And remember having sex with a traffiked woman was made a crime here in June, so, if they had wanted to include having sex with a pimped woman, drug addict etc whether you have any way of knowing they are pimped, drug addicted etc or not, surely they'd have done it then?

    Personally I think/hope the UK won't go as far as the Home Secretary is proposing at the moment.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    im all for stopping trafficed girls but i think these draconian measures are targeting the client rather than the trafficer/pimps/criminal gang as usual the people in authorithy havent the guts to take on the real culprits

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008


    And also this sort of publicity draws more attention on independent girls who are classed by the media as the same as trafficked girls. Theres been exposes of a few independent touring girls recently. It's laughable as theres also traficked girls and nothings been reported about ti.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  6. #6
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    Jun 2008


    Has anybody out there come accross any escort that they felt was being forced to perform against their will? Why would anyone bother to force girls into prostitution when there are so many eager to do it anyway at reasonable rates.
    If I had an apartment and was so inclined, I would source girls from Eastern Europe or South America who wanted to work. 2 girls x 5 clients a day x 7 days @ say average €200 = €3500 pw for each of the girls and €7000 pw for me, less expenses for the apartment, receptionist, adverts, etc.,say €5000 pw. This is roughly how the scene works, as far as I can see. Why would anyone want the hassle and risk of coercing someone when there is no shortage of girls, ready willing and able to work. €3500 in cash for a c.30 hour week will be very attractive to girls trying to put themselves through college or support a child or just like designer clothes.
    As far as I can see this whole trafficking thing has been made up, or at least grossly exaggerated by the religious fruitcakes out there

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    Hopefully not. And remember having sex with a traffiked woman was made a crime here in June, so, if they had wanted to include having sex with a pimped woman, drug addict etc whether you have any way of knowing they are pimped, drug addicted etc or not, surely they'd have done it then?

    Personally I think/hope the UK won't go as far as the Home Secretary is proposing at the moment.
    I think that we should all be concerned about this. This is something that those religious groups, here, could see as a handy crusade to get them into heaven. Is there any credible lobbyist/organisation working on behalf of women who choose to be escorts? I would not mind throwing a few bob into the kitty if there was someone to look after the interests of both escorts and clients.

  8. #8

    Post blah,blah, blah, blah, blah....................BLAH, BLAH!!!

    blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blahblah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah

    Nobody clamps me down






    blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blahblah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah............................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ TO BE CONTINUE...............................BLAH

  9. Default Well

    Quote Originally Posted by roryman View Post
    BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Prostitute users face clampdown

    Prostitute users face clampdown

    Jacqui Smith says she is concerned about vulnerable women
    Paying for sex with prostitutes who are controlled by pimps is set to become a criminal offence in England and Wales, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said.

    Anyone who knowingly pays illegally trafficked women for sex could face rape charges, while kerb crawlers could face prosecution for a first offence.

    There will also be more "naming and shaming" of kerb crawlers and new police powers to close brothels.

    Buying or selling sex is legal but soliciting and pimping are not.

    The changes bring the law in England and Wales more into line with Scotland, where anyone looking to pick up a prostitute faces a fine of up to £1,000.

    Ms Smith said the government had considered banning paying for sex altogether but had ruled this out as there was no public support for such a move.

    Instead, she said the government's efforts would be focused on reducing demand for trafficked women, who were "effectively held as slaves", and there would be a marketing campaign aimed at men who used prostitutes.

    We want to send a clear message to force men to think twice before sex

    She told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "My proposal is that men should think twice about paying for sex. The reason they should do that is actually the majority of women don't want to be involved in prostitution."

    She added: "Trafficked women don't have a choice, men do."

    Ms Smith said up to 70% of prostitutes were controlled by pimps or had been trafficked into the country and the government was working closely with the police on plans to enforce the new laws.

    But Nikki Adams, of the English Collective of Prostitutes, said the government had "made up" the number of women being trafficked into the UK and most prostitution was "consenting sex".

    Brothel powers

    Under the plan, the Home Office is planning to criminalise paying for sex with a woman "controlled for another person's gain".

    Those convicted would get a fine and a criminal record.

    Pleading ignorance of the circumstances under which a prostitute is working will not count as a defence.

    Under the plans, people who pay a prostitute for sex knowing they have been trafficked against their will could be charged with rape.

    Ms Smith will promise that kerb-crawling will be punishable the first time a person is caught doing it, rather than just persistent offenders.

    The Home Office said police would get powers to close brothels
    i would love to see huge advances being made against kerb krawlers.These guts driving around all bloody night,circling the same streets like flys circling a pile of dog shite,staring at women.I have seen a few of these guys actually follow women who anyone could see were not working girls.Around and around all night ,a fuckin nussance to society.Seriuosly how little of a life does a person need to have to end up doing this all night?Police should fine these ppl and not a grand but two or three grand.Telling the girls to move on is stupid.What should be done is shut off the food supply IE The kerb krawlers.Nobody should have to look at or life nearby a load of guys driving up and down all night.A fuckin nuissance to general society.Buy a playstation or join a prayer group or something ffs.Driving around all night.Hate to see the petrol bills.

    As far as closing brothels goes its a bad move.I think legalising them is the best idea of all.This way its better,much much better to control any trafficking and or abuse should it be happening.If brothels were legalised i think that more girls would join them of their own free will that wouldnt neccessarily join them under current legislation.In other words i think it s a healthier way to go about it.If you look at any countries that have legalised them youll see that this appraoch works.Brothels are not going to go away no matter what so its best to try the opposite approach.

    Anyone who knowingly pays illegally trafficked women for sex could face rape charges

    This is going to take a complete change of the judicial system.Im not sure about UK but here to be convicted of an offence falls under the phrase "beyond reasonable doubt".So taking this into account how in Gods name could a guy having sex with a woman he didnt know was trafficked fall under "beyond reasonable doubt"?How much more doubt can you have.

    Im not saying that i agree with anyone having sex with a trafficked woman knowingly or otherwise but i feel that the laws is looking at this from an inside out appraoch.Prostitution is never going to go away.If it did it were it would have already.What the law needs to do is legalise certain aspects of it with regular health screening,inspections of premises and proper documentation for escorts.In other words a raid will become an inspection.

    Could it be a case that they dont want to fix it?I mean it if were dealt with properly those in the anti prostitution oraganisations would have to go out and get real jobs,those that abuse the system as in false pics ,profile etc could be sued.Now guys will come along and say but i have a wife or gf.How could i sue then.That falls under the bracket of "tough shit".


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