I have been forwarded a link to a blog site of Dollys blog by someone and thank them for that, and assume that it is a copy of her blog and only wish to confirm and also clarify some things that it contains and exercise my right of reply given the gravity of the implications of her actions of late.

Firstly Dolly has been pretty much 90% honest in all she put in that blog and I wish that to be noted, but she has not been 100% honest. I wish to exercise my right of reply to some discrepancy’s, some lies and also some omissions that make up the 10% regrettable shortfall in honesty on her part. To her credit I have not as yet spotted anywhere that she amended any of my PMs apart from including my Mobile number as I never pmed that, so given that I can confirm my PMs are in the main untampered with just as my PMs recived from bp there is no longer any doubt that she fully intended posting all the personnel info she had on me with malice in mind.

Before I do I would like to say that she went far in excess of what I may (and I stress may) have posted as I had intended only posting the parts that prove her lying. Where as she has posted some stuff that she claimed was very sensitive to her if known so again that points to her liking drama and not trying to avoid it.

My issues with her blog…


Firstly in one of my PMs there is my mobile number along with my name and e-mail, I did write my name and e-mail but never ever to her or indeed to anyone pm my number, so she had to have looked at her phone which that call was months ago btw and typed it into that pm, the rest of that pm is as I sent it apart from that so I know that she fully intended telling the world what she thought was my name, e-mail and mobile as she had to type my number she could easily have deleted my name but did not.


She states herself that I pmed first to ask if ok to ring, but in an earlier post here she said I just rang out of the blue, so she has proven she lied there, also she says that I was “frantic” about threats to her, in fact I made a conscious effort to talk very slowly as I mean this as no disrespect to Americans but I speak fast and any American I ever spoke to never ever understood a word I was saying so I made an effort to speak slowly and using as bland a vocabulary as possible.

She also later on in blog says that I texted to ask to talk but did not say who I was, that also is a lie. I texted my username and stated that there was something she needed to be made aware of and asked if ok to ring, she texted back one word “OK” so she has contradicted herself twice in blog as on the one hand I rang and on the other I texted, so which is it? I either did one or the other, she has also stated that I scared her but she herself confirmed the call was over an hour, and I again submit that who in their right mind has a conversation that long that supposedly scares them and does not just hang up, again the phrase Dolly drama is apt.


She states that I continued sending pointless pms, that’s a lie and any of the Escorts or indeed Clients that I correspond with know that it was they that initiated contact and I normally wait to respond rather then pm off my own bat and if they never pm again that’s grand, I won’t contact them, so that to is a lie and anyone reading this that I conversed with knows that is true and how I operate.


She says that bp told her that I edited pms that he sent me but bp himself denies ever sending any pm in the first place, so she has confirmed that bp is lying when he said he never sent any.


She states that he proved himself more “trustworthy” then I even though she goes on to say about him and I quote,

“He is a monster for saying this. But I do believe he means what he says. I really can’t deal with more abuse. I have done my best to lie low and not piss him off, but guess the other day when I said I knew better then him since I know some in inner circle of surgeons and hairdressers of celebrities, he obviously put me back on his agenda. So im keeping my mouth shut. I had no idea how sensitive he is and to explode so quickly.”

Now I know what she means by my being less trustworthy, and I have already apologized to her publicly here as I posted when I should not have posted, and that was an error on my part but I did so with good intentions and also on the understanding that things did not kick of in the chatroom which they did and the content of my post was aired first in there. Yes I made a mistake but she as we all know loves a drama and clings to that one and only mistake on my part as if I murdered her pet kitten or something, and you’ll note I apologized for it but no one has done the same to her but she says nothing about them, only I am criticized.


She refers to my being on a “weird” quest, again I am blue in the face from trying to explain that it is vitally important that anyone who has influece be beyond reproach and I was merrily plodding along thinking bp was a decent guy when BANG out of nowhere he turns vicious first by pm and amongst other things orders me to run every future post past him first, even jokey ones (WTF?) I politely decline and that is when he started this whole god forsaken mess and dragged her into it. She also did not want me to alert forum to what I know were his real motives in his treatment of Naomi and I feel that was a sign I should have picked up on earlier that she is inherently selfish as that is a completely separate issue but again she cry’s foul when I try to peruse that. I have gone to pains to explain that what I tried to do was for this place to be made aware beyond a shadow of a doubt that at times bp wrongly impacts on any Escorts rep for petty and personnel motives and not because they are bad in any way, if that to Dolly who is an Escort herself btw seems like a “weird” quest, then I am sorry but she does not have the brains she was born with if she cannot see how important that those that judge be beyond reproach.


bigpaws mentions I have had a abusive childhood, he has no way of knowing one way or the other. For the record I had a blissfully happy Huckleberry Finn type childhood roaming far and wide from dusk till dawn, if he or anyone cannot see the pure logic of my argument and cannot fathom why I have moral fibre and a sense of fair play as 99.999% of people do then that’s their hang up, not mine. To ascribe I must somehow be damaged for my pursuing the obvious wrongs committed here and pointing out E-I’s even more glaringly obvious failings is as baffling to me as I am sure it must be to any rational person here, it is telling of there deep and divergent neuroses and I know see that they are well met and I regret ever having the slightest sympathy for her.


bipaws waxes lyrical to her that he would never do such things as I am supposed to have done, but it is common knowledge that he slated her horrifically in chatroom both to her face and as soon as she left and she herself has stated that she thinks him a monster in her blog but somehow is ok with all that he does to her, there is a term for that and it’s a well known condition of Women in abusive situations or relationships that they defend to the death those that hurt them the most, again not my problem, again that is a ref to my one and only mistake that I mentioned earlier.


She says that I “drilled” her on her past, in mobile call, I never asked her a thing other then was she really in any danger from anyone as he was saying she was, that was my only question, hardly drilling anyone I humbly submit. She never said and I repected her wish not to answer, the rest of the call was taken up with explaining as slowly and clearly as I could all that had gone on to which she asked many question’s to which I answered all as best I could, when that was concluded she started venturing into areas that I was not comfortable having to listen to said I had taken enough of her time and bid her good day. I was manners personified to her and if she found me scary then she must have lived a very sheltered life.

I also ask to note that she herself called him a Monster but utters no insult to him on boards but she calls me a psychopath and tried to destroy my life, hardly the action of someone who believes I am any danger now is it? as why does she not try similar to bp?

What’s the difference between a monster and a psychopath? There is none, but she is quite happy to go after me but not him.

I rest my case.

All in all its pretty clear from reading that blog that I have done my level best for her while also doing my best to highlight my core points about a client abusing Escorts reps. I did that for the betterment of both sides to have faith in the system of having faith in the word of known clients, that faith is misplaced in one such client here. It’s also clear that I was mannerly and respectful to her at all times and also as I have said she thanked me for it, they also show that she fears bp, she in all likelihood still does as I believe he put her up to her naming me as he has thrown absolute everything else at me and all have failed.

It is not a stretch that he himself has gotten her to commit Escorting suicide and post what she and he thought were my real details and that to has failed and he will happily sacrifice her and not own up to it.

I cannot believe she would be so galactically stupid as to do this on her own and commit Escorting suicide.

Are you that stupid Dolly? or were you put up to it?,

This is a way out for you, I am signposting it for you, are you going to admit you fully intended to destroy my life when your own blog proves how much I tried to help you or were you put up to it in which case I and I am sure most others would completely understand and forgive you.

Which is it? Your Escorting career and Rep here now hangs on your answer and I am again trying to help you in asking this.