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Thread: The Bitching on These Boards - Be Warned Everyone

  1. #11
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Default The Voice of last

    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    As everyone knows, I'm not a big fan of censorship, but some things that have been said here lately are beyond the banter getting a bit rough... They have been clearly rude, nasty, offensive etc. Over the next hour I'm goinging to be editing/deleting some recent posts that fall into this category.

    Enough is enough now folks. The crazy bitching stops here. I don't expect this to become the Stepford message board where everyone is sweetly nice to everyone else all of the time, but I want the severe nastiness wave to end.

    Anybody (yes, absolutely anybody including paying advertisers and the most popular and long standing posters here) who seeks to continue this crazy bitchfest of under-hand and over the top insulting of others will be going on a holiday (barred for x number of days) in the hope that a short break will allow them to calm down and come back with a better attitude.

    Thank you

    I do know that i was one of the folk that got going on here when i was called a racist i could not believe it - for saying that i had a blond or irish moment - thats when it kicked off - because i really had no idea that it would be taken in such a way i got started on big time.......By one man paws and also a guy called nine by three or something like that - doing a poll....... i think that these polls have to stop. Some of the 'threads' are just born out of pure hate and the mallace is terrible - if i hadn't complained to the moderators at what was said about my mother and my son then the hate would of gone on and on - just a few guys on here were disgusted at what was being written - so were the girls but just wrote to me privately as they are to scared of this paws creature as he is the main protagonist of the venom that seeps out of him and onto this board.

    I would like to thank you Patricia for what you have done and i too would like to thank those that wrote to me saying it was beyond the pale - the likes of Westie had enough of it all as had we all........

    I would like to publicly apologise to Gemma and wish her well on her tour and i am happy to shake hands in a cyber way and put our differnces aside - this i offer Gemma and Gemma alone as we did go over the top and i am big enough to apologise -

    Lets hope that this all ends here and those that are the trouble makers go and make trouble elsewhere.

    Apologies.......... Liz

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Default people in glass houses...

    jeez QPH you cannot really talk about not bitching yourself & Paws & others were at it hammer & thongs not so long ago about something in the chatroom so much so that I fucked off from this website it was a pity cos I like u both but hey look there are a lot of strong personalities on here, furthermore there is no way a certain individual on this website should have beeen allowed to continue posting the source of almost all this present bitching
    anyway I speak it as i see it & take noones side
    Dont take like too seriously anyone

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Westside couldn't get moderators job, he leaves too often we needed a more secure prescence here

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Thumbs up Pat

    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    As everyone knows, I'm not a big fan of censorship, but some things that have been said here lately are beyond the banter getting a bit rough... They have been clearly rude, nasty, offensive etc. Over the next hour I'm goinging to be editing/deleting some recent posts that fall into this category.

    Enough is enough now folks. The crazy bitching stops here. I don't expect this to become the Stepford message board where everyone is sweetly nice to everyone else all of the time, but I want the severe nastiness wave to end.

    Anybody (yes, absolutely anybody including paying advertisers and the most popular and long standing posters here) who seeks to continue this crazy bitchfest of under-hand and over the top insulting of others will be going on a holiday (barred for x number of days) in the hope that a short break will allow them to calm down and come back with a better attitude.

    Thank you
    At last!!! Thanks Pat!!! Things did get extremely nasty on here ever since Liz started her vile racist ignorant posts ............ then using multiple usernames to post support for herself.
    The idea for my recent (and now deleted ) poll came to me in the Chat Room last night ............... as anybody who was there can verify I stated "this is the most offensive post/poll I, or maybe anybody, has ever posted on this site ............... surely Pat will now be forced to act". And it worked!!!
    It was posted to cause a reaction .................

    It is up to you and only you Pat to moderate these boards as the idea of "community moderators" is simply unworkable ................ escorts will be biased towards escorts, punters would be biased towards punters, everybody would be biased towards their "friends" on here and anybody who doesn't fit into any of these categories knows absolutely nothing about the escort world and shouldn't even be on this site never mind being a moderator.
    West is a terrible (no offence west, I just call them how I see them) nomination for a community moderator, he is weakness personified and couldn't handle a lesser site so would be completely overwhelmed here ................ I too would be a bad moderator, my personality is too strong.

    As for being banned from here ............... I can honestly say, and I believe you know this already Pat, that it wouldn't bother me in the least ............. "bigpaws" can be banned but I can never be banned from the escort world in which some us here inhabit.

    If this all sounds rich coming from me then I suggest you look at some of the other posters on this thread who have the audacity to crawl onto a moral high-ground now after all they have been guilty of ........... laughable!!

    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Blog Entries

    Thumbs up Hurray!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    As everyone knows, I'm not a big fan of censorship, but some things that have been said here lately are beyond the banter getting a bit rough... They have been clearly rude, nasty, offensive etc. Over the next hour I'm goinging to be editing/deleting some recent posts that fall into this category.

    Enough is enough now folks. The crazy bitching stops here. I don't expect this to become the Stepford message board where everyone is sweetly nice to everyone else all of the time, but I want the severe nastiness wave to end.

    Anybody (yes, absolutely anybody including paying advertisers and the most popular and long standing posters here) who seeks to continue this crazy bitchfest of under-hand and over the top insulting of others will be going on a holiday (barred for x number of days) in the hope that a short break will allow them to calm down and come back with a better attitude.

    Thank you
    I had a chat in the chatroom about this last night. Thank God you've put the foot down. Its been a long time comin'.

    As much as I wanted to vent on these negative threads I didn't. I only posted on one of them, once only. Then I stayed well away from those shit-storm threads. I hate all this negitive madness thats infested this site.

    Thank you Pat. Stick the heel in.
    Escort of the Month and E-I Interview Blogs;

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Lizzy View Post

    I would like to publicly apologise to Gemma and wish her well on her tour and i am happy to shake hands in a cyber way and put our differnces aside - this i offer Gemma and Gemma alone as we did go over the top and i am big enough to apologise -

    Lets hope that this all ends here and those that are the trouble makers go and make trouble elsewhere.

    Apologies.......... Liz
    I accept your apology Liz.


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default hahahhahahahaha

    Quote Originally Posted by bigpaws View Post
    West is a terrible (no offence west, I just call them how I see them) nomination for a community moderator, he is weakness personified and couldn't handle a lesser site so would be completely overwhelmed here ................ I too would be a bad moderator, my personality is too strong.

    thanks for the laugh.

  8. #18
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    Sep 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by sexybabehere View Post
    I accept your apology Liz.

    I'd like to apologise too......

    Sorry for being for so utterly gorgeous and sexy, its really not fair on you ladies is it?

    Oh and sorry for the whole credit crunch thing. Who would of thought that me not paying me mam back that tenner, would have caused all this eh?
    Bloody butterfly effect

    (Please note, I would like to apologise to butterflies everywhere for the utterly disgrace language and disrespect I showed you and your fellow insect species)

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2008


    How would this community moderator system operate. I know most of us spend alot of time here. But theres nobody that's on here every single day of the year. It would be as hard for the community mods to keep track of every single post here. It's very time consuming if you read every post especially as most of them go into double figure pages and some are very long. If you don't log on here for a few days you notice theres an awful lot of posts. It would be like a full time job. There would probably need to be more than one community moderator. It would be interesting to see if it would work though.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  10. #20
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    Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely

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