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Thread: escort wanted for a virgin

  1. Default escort wanted for a virgin

    does any one know of any escorts in the dublin or wicklow area that would take on a virgin ,mates 21st bday comin up n we wanna get him laid but hes too shy to get it himself maybe itd bring him out of his shell

  2. #2

    Smile Totally Sophie

    DEFO Totally think you should go for sophie, she is wearing a red bra top on her profile, very good and i think she would be very understanding

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by first_time_mick View Post
    does any one know of any escorts in the dublin or wicklow area that would take on a virgin ,mates 21st bday comin up n we wanna get him laid but hes too shy to get it himself maybe itd bring him out of his shell
    I get the impression here that what u have in mind is that at the end of an evening of drinking/smoking/coking that u want to wheel in an escort who is expected to provide a service in that environment.

    To do it properly, get two girls ond for u and one for him in the bar before he arrives and then after one drink go and have dinner, just the four of you, and let it develop from there. Might cost a bit more but will certainly work. Make sure the girl u get for him offers extraball as standard.

  4. #4

    Smile Sexy@0870690369

    Quote Originally Posted by first_time_mick View Post
    does any one know of any escorts in the dublin or wicklow area that would take on a virgin ,mates 21st bday comin up n we wanna get him laid but hes too shy to get it himself maybe itd bring him out of his shell

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by first_time_mick View Post
    does any one know of any escorts in the dublin or wicklow area that would take on a virgin ,mates 21st bday comin up n we wanna get him laid but hes too shy to get it himself maybe itd bring him out of his shell
    I cannot see any escort turning away a client because he is a virgin. What kind of girls turn him on, tall or short, white or black, blonde or brunette? If you are going to treat him you may as well treat him to someone that he is likely to fancy. I did not say, young or mature because you are probably better going for a more mature woman and not one with too strong a personality -not mentioning names- as you do not want to frighten him.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default terrible idea!

    Leave the poor guy to have sex to have sex when he's ready, with someone he cares for..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008


    If he's shy and awkward with girls, it's an ideal way to break him in.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  8. #8


    hey people. Would like this picked up again with honest replies. Me and my roommate was talking and he is 23 and a virgin. I would love some replies or pms from some escorts that would be availeble to teach him a thing or two. Or atleast give him the experience.

    And all the arguments as the post from UK Heather. Please we all know the "let him discover it on his own" but he is 23. If he would have been able to do it, it would have happend. All guys knows that.

    So please, let me know if anybody is able to assist.

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