Quote Originally Posted by ninebythree View Post
see now my curiosity has been peaked . why havent we seen u before

has anybody out there availed of dollys services
some body must have, it seems to be a comprehensive tour of ireland.


my man i take on board ure point about the price and u can see kat for cheaper ........but check out that arse and besides Kat isnt here.

I have visited Belfast and Kerry so far. I know I should be moving faster around the country, but when I get to a place, I've fallen in love with the area, and just adore the men so much, I find it hard to leave. But then, of course, there are all those phone calls from other areas of Ireland, that have been so patient for me to arrive, that gets me moving again. So next stop will be either Clare or Dublin. You know, Its hard to leave these beautiful Kerry mountains and sweet men! But Ireland has lovely landscape and sexy men everywhere, so don't worry, I'll get the motivation to keep moving my sexy ass soon.
As for prices, I never really understood why men saw a need to complain over a girl's rates. There are so many girls here, that there shouldn't be any complaining. If you don't want to pay a certain rate, then you don't have to. Noone is forcing you to do anything you don't want to. What is not necessary, however, is to insult a girl, just because you don't want to pay her rate. I assure you, I have had the lovely pleasure of meeting many nice men along my tour, who have been extremely happy with their times with me, having fantasies fulfilled that they couldn't do elsewhere. Not all men like to write reviews, and I respect their privacy and discretion to the fullest. There may be some that surface, but it is the choice of the individual, if he cares to share his experience or not. Anyway, the point is, I wish all of you the best and most wonderful times possible with whomever you choose to play with. I am not a competitve person, and I do wish you the best of times with any girl you see. I'm not offended in the slightest, if you do not want to see me or pay my rate. As it is, I can not keep up with my phone call volume, so it does not worry me if men look elsewhere. I do welcome with open arms and a loving kiss, all the wonderful men whom I've played with so far, and will be playing with in the future. I adore all of you and send you a big, big Kiss, from your lovely little Dolly