West, nothing wrong with being proud of what you are, and you showed you have the noodle to challenge your own perceptions and change your outlook on things, and that’s all anyone can ask, and fair play, but the problem I have with ultra nationalist org's. is there insistence on hating everyone else in order to try and give validity to there aims, I’m referring to neo-nazi type outfits that are prevalent around the world, and I think theres a small element here gaining strength also, although thankfully the Irish Mindset is naturally averse to that way of thinking in the main, and they will only ever be a tiny schism in our society,but none the less a threat, what I’d say to them is to lower the left hand that’s in a perpetual nazi salute and give the right hand a break. Really interesting about your Rep. connections, my Grandfather was in his 20’s in 1916-22 but only plays a small part in it, the odd skirmish, gun running, hiding Materials, our thatched cottage was in line of site of a major rural outpost near by and he kept an eye on them, that sort of stuff, as you gathered I have an interest in History and decided to ask him about this era once, and although he was a kind soul the merest mention of anything to do with it got a very cold response from him, I never even found out if he was pro or anti treaty, proudest moment of my life was when the army fired a 21 gun volley over his coffin, I still have the casing that a soldier gave me. The farm we have now is as a result of the land commission to divide up English Estates. I lost out on a huge pool of knowledge, as I never asked him again. Yer probably thinking he had a lucky escape.

My views on the modern era Rep movement are different though, I don’t support violence to gain reunification as much as I’d like that, as the cold hard facts are that the majority there don’t want it.
Where as the majority here back then wanted Independence. This is an awfully short paragraph to make such a sweeping statement like that, but I feel I’m drifting back to my long post ways here, and my doc says I’m making good progress in my bid to overcome my word addiction and can’t risk falling of the wagon.

Best Regards, QPH...