Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
The statement, No unidentified numbers from a mobile and no calls from a landline will be answered are common, the reason for the first is obvious, but I give up as why you would not answer a landline, why is that?
If i need to answer landline,i have to ask guy to call back from his mobile no anyway,as first i send half directions,and when he arrive on place,he confirms,and i can send other half of directions by sms

How valuable a resource is the private forum for Escorts, has it been responsible for anyone avoiding a crackpot or other dangers by being able to alert one another privately?

How big a part does gut instinct play in deciding if someone’s a risk or not when on the phone with them?
Big part.If i do not feel comfortable with person over phone,i just don't meet them

Is there such a thing as an agency that genuinely looks after Escorts in their employ, Either in Ireland or UK?
Yes,when they fall in love,and when u stop working for them,they still take care for you

Do you get hassled by the Guards or are they responsive to issues of theft or threatening behavior?
Not that i would know of

Do you take any sort of self-defense training (Wrestling not withstanding lol) ?
Come and touch my muscle,baby,and you will know

What hopes does anyone hold out of normalization in the law ever taking place, Ireland or UK ?
Law?What s that?

Is it possible to hire a security type person to be available at a discrete distance, but contactable or alertable in some way ? (Not a goon, now but a professional) Do Security service providers do this on an unofficial basis, and if not, why not? They could just class it as Personnel protection for legal reasons. (I personally would be a nervous wreck everytime I opened the door, so I bow to your bravery) (Admittedly my PSE needs working on but GFE is passable lol)
It is posssible,and was saved by one

Do Escorts have some kind of personal alarm to activate if in danger ?
Yes,but can't speak for others

How much easier and safer are things if you’re with a fellow Escort ?
Don't think it is safer,as then it is brothel

Is it just not possible for a small or large group of Escorts to form a kind of informal co-op and operate out of shared premises without criminal elements getting wind of it and intimidating them or taking over ?
No idea

Do you have issues with other tenants arise, they must cotton on to things.?
And if so do you have to change premises frequently?

Once a Client knows your location, and he proved to be a concern, are there ever issues of them turning up unannounced giving trouble?
They can try,but i am not responsible for consequences.
People cant even stare at me while i am eating in public place,if i am not comfortable with it

This one is naive but, it is remotely possible there’s such a thing as a half-decent pimp ?

Given the thankfully more open attitude to sex in Ireland, are there instances where a particularly open-minded Wife or Husband has arranged an encounter as a present to there other half?
Never used ones/looked for ones,as i have no husband and no wife

(This one is not serious)
Do Escorts notice a slackening (sorry) of business during big games, I’m thinking in particular of All Ireland Sunday as a gauge to the true health of our National sport LOL)
When games are on,phone rings non stop and even during conversations

(Again not serious)
To Escorts who tour Ireland and UK,
Which has the best clients.....(I know you can’t answer that, it’s just a piss take)
Nicest clients gets escort who pick and choosewho does she like to meet,not meeet people because she have to,as it is not nice if girl have to do something

(Even less serious)
Do escorts who tour the provinces notice any difference in Libido levels (Different Population levels notwithstanding) (COME ON MUNSTER)
Attitude levels
Higiene levels