Well Naomi, I am delighted to see that you are updating your pictures. As i said to you when we met you are a lot more attractive than the pics that are currently posted if that's possible.When a guy goes to see an Escort even when the pics are verified you don't know what to expect. A few escorts have asked me how do you decide which escort you will visit and i am sure most guys say the pictures come first, followed by good reviews, so if you turn up for an appointment and its not what you expected just turn around and walk away. If all escorts update their pics maybe twice a year as Naomi suggests then the genuine Escorts will do better for themselves.If the pics are not verified then ask by phone or text and as i said earlier if when you turn up and they are fakes just walk away. This is where the people running this website should be more pro-active. Some effort must be made when an Escort want to place an ad. No pics are better than fake pics as far as the punters are concerned.And these anime cartoon pics well patricia that is just a cop out. I can understand that this website is basically run as a business and money rules the roost but you need to bite the bullet on this one Patricia.