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Thread: Suicidial Thoughts!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Talk to someone immediately mate. even the best of us get down and shit can pile up.
    am in the process myself. don't put it off.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Go straight to ur Doctor. While it can be fantastic to talk to friends if ur seriously fucked up u should get professional help. Good luck.

  3. #13


    suicide is never worth it go to a counsellor we all need a little helping out sometimes noone here can begin to realise what u are going through & as the above poster says get pro help do it today.....

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Been there tried it twice and i'm still here. Most people get depressed every now and then but personally speaking suicide is not the answer even though you might feel their is no way out. Believe me there is. Twenty three years ago i could see no way out and i decided to end it, failed and was in a come for three days which left its marks. Spent three months in a mental hospital after that. I thought everyone was out to get me, i felt useless, unwanted, unloved but i was wrong as i found out later. I had to learn that the past is gone, and if we keep going back we only drag ourselves down. We have to change our mentality and realise that people don't give a fuck what we did or did not do it's our own little mind out to get us. I hated when people would tell me that it would get better, i'd think what the fuck do they know, they don't feel like me but they were right. Talking to people helps and their is good people out there as i found out when i put my pride aside. You are probably thinking he thinks he knows it all but believe me i know. I ended up without the price of a box of matches and i still have not much but by taking every day as it comes and not worrying about yesterday,as there is nothing we can do about it, tomorrow might never come and if it does we can do our best to get through it. Whatever the case may be, money problems, marital problems,or any other problems we have, believe me what you're thinking will not solve it. People know my life story and funny enough people inderectly ask me the odd question and i know the have something worrying them and i ask what's up and they tell me and we talk it out and they leave feeling better. Today i don't give one fuck what people say or think about me as the amount of time we are here is only a flash compaired to the amount of time we will be dead which is eternity, Hold your head up, smile, and do the best you can after that we can do no more. Sorry for going on but i hope this will make you realise there is nothing worth dying for. I genuinly hope when things get better for you, you will come back and say that MADJACK WAS RIGHT. Best of luck pal and hold your head up high. John

  5. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to madjack For This Useful Post:

    bert dublin (20-10-11), doodlebug (20-10-11), hd7055 (20-10-11), Lucy Chambers (20-10-11), max california (20-10-11), mer (20-10-11), MrNiceGuy2010 (20-10-11), saoirsemac (20-10-11), wolfie (20-10-11)

  6. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default You are not alone

    Just read this thread, and obviously like all am concerned that anyone would consider this option. It is imperative you speak to someone, and the “Samaritans” are a fabulous support or even “Aware”. Your pain is real and but is important that you know are not alone, people do care about you, even if you can't see it at this moment. I have experience of suicide in my family and there is not a day goes by that I wish that family member had rung me or asked for help. It is a good few years ago and still today I think about this person and it breaks my heart to think this was the only option they thought they had. You are very honest to post this and obviously want help, just reach out your hand and I promise you will find so so many people wanting to help and support you.

  7. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to rubberlover For This Useful Post:

    hd7055 (20-10-11), Lucy Chambers (20-10-11), max california (20-10-11), saoirsemac (20-10-11)

  8. #16


    I'm amazed and delighted with the response here. Life can be awful, stick with it though because it's impossible to forsee the good things that are waiting for you. Chance life, not the other. And the other way leaves your friends and I include us on here shattered and sad.

  9. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    trust me dude it is not worth it everybody feels like this at some stage in there in life but really dude it is not worth it, think of all your family and freinds just talk to somebody dude i really know the feeling that you have and its not very nice i can tell you that!! so hang in there dude

    when i was 16 i lost my best freind to sucide and it is not an nice time at all it feels like the world has just crushed your heart, and to see all the family and freinds so sad it really does bring a tear to your eye

    look hang in there dude, you shud live life to the full and apreaite every single day, cause life is the best gift anybody could ever ask for

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to mer For This Useful Post:

    max california (20-10-11)

  11. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    i hope you've rang the samaritans or call soon, they talk about
    issues like this all the time, especially in the current climate.

    a breakdown is a breakthrough, you'll need to take it easy with
    yourself for a bit. you're in good company, plenty of people with
    plenty of problems. we've all so much in common. i wish you well
    with your recovery:


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  12. Default

    I just want to say thanks to everyone for their support and advice. For the brief moment I read all your messages it did lift me up. I'm not going to go into why I'm in such a place because it's so difficult to articulate all the details but yet I feel them day in and day out and it's been going on for about 5 years. I thinks deep down there's a will to survive that burns every one of us but I just think my flame has gone out and I just don't want to feel this pain anymore, I will go to the Smartians....only thing is I have gone to a counsellor in the past and I felt they couldn't really understand where I was coming from, although to be fair I only had a couple of sessions. Due to those who responded on the thread and in private, you did manage to give me a brief moment of not being filled with mental pain. It just goes to show there are some wonderful human beings out there with good hearts. Thank you....

  13. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to RagingBull For This Useful Post:

    hd7055 (20-10-11), max california (20-10-11), MrNiceGuy2010 (20-10-11), saoirsemac (20-10-11), wolfie (20-10-11)

  14. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by RagingBull View Post
    I just want to say thanks to everyone for their support and advice. For the brief moment I read all your messages it did lift me up. I'm not going to go into why I'm in such a place because it's so difficult to articulate all the details but yet I feel them day in and day out and it's been going on for about 5 years. I thinks deep down there's a will to survive that burns every one of us but I just think my flame has gone out and I just don't want to feel this pain anymore, I will go to the Smartians....only thing is I have gone to a counsellor in the past and I felt they couldn't really understand where I was coming from, although to be fair I only had a couple of sessions. Due to those who responded on the thread and in private, you did manage to give me a brief moment of not being filled with mental pain. It just goes to show there are some wonderful human beings out there with good hearts. Thank you....

    i hope u do,

    even on here, we may bitch joke fight etc, but end of the day arent we all just like one big dysfunctional family and community,
    they will always be someone here to lend an ear

    all the best xx
    ********************THE WHORIN AND TOURING NEWS************************
    no more news thats all folks, it was a pleasure

  15. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to saoirsemac For This Useful Post:

    doodlebug (20-10-11), mer (20-10-11)

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