Right, here goes. I'm eyeing up that 1,000 post milestone at the moment and I might very well get turfed out of the E-I community for saying this, but I'm fed up with keeping it to myself so it's coming out now.

The dogs on the street know there are profiles on here that are marked Verified but they are not. Likewise the dogs also know that there are agencies on here (one in particular - "The Agency") where all the girls are marked Verified, but they're not. Now let's call a spade a spade - there is no way that E-I could be erroneously marking these profiles as Verified. E-I is knowingly marking fake profiles as Verified.

So why is it that a site whose owners, managers, mods etc. preach on and on blah blah about how great it is at doing it's best to stamp out falseness will purposefully publish fake profiles as verified ? What's in it for E-I to do that and continue to do that when for a long long time the community is wise to the carry on ?

Logically I can only see two reasons. Someone is paying E-I a lot of money to do this. Or E-I itself is an agency masquerading as an impartial advertising site.

So which is more likely do we think ?