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Thread: Cork Dream Girls..

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Default I agree

    Quote Originally Posted by ber View Post
    upmarket usually has 5 girls working until 10 and 2 until 12 and is really in the heart of the city .It got a facelift abot 12 18 monts ago it was a real tip. the other premises is out a little further and has usually 3 girls and shuts at 9-30 this i believe also got a makeover recently(and did it need it) Theese places are open for years and both even actually have landlines which is fairly unusual now. They would have been the focus of some unwanted attention from time to time get the drift.I think they upgraded and got younger more beautiful girls to compete with whats on offer. I see at least one girl who used to work there working on the streets now.
    that they are bringing along younger more attractive girls to compete.I remember seeing Karen and Maruska in the local shop one day.Both nice. I think the photos that they have are real.

    What girl is on the streets and where does she be? Not a good move on her part.


  2. #32
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    Default Sweetie

    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    I'm not muted on this subject... I simply have no solid proof yet that both agencies are same, and, until I do, whilst I welcome discussion on the subject, I'm not going to declare that they are.
    Once again i bow my sorrowful head in shame and apologise to you for my misunderstanding.Each site represents each of the premises that they have.Thank you to "The Paws" for making me realise this.

    So Pat ,knowing that you have plenty enough to deal with ,espeicially with "The Midlife Crisis" staring you right in the eyes , i sincerely and wholeheartedly apologise for bringing your moderation and site skills to task.(of course im hoping only you see this )I will allow you to kick my daddy bags.

    Sorry Sweetie,

  3. #33
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    Default I Agree

    I think the problem is not the girls looks but the service because its an agency the girls dont have the freedom time wise etc, for instance if a girl has a 30 min appointment she cant afford to go over as the agency will then think she was paid for a longer appointment and will want there cut so its better for her have u out the door in 20 25 mins. so when u have a boss the girls are probably not totally relaxed which will not help the mood. In general the good independents seem to offer a wider and more varied service and i would say the good agencygirls usually end up independents some just use the agencyto find out about the buisness and in some cases to get their english up to standard. some agencies intimidate if they try to go independent but some are fine about it, know one girl in cork who went independent 6 months ago she is one of the best in cork and the agency who advertise on this site told her it was fine and she could come back if she wanted anytime.She just got fed up of handing up half her money and also having to sit varound in an apartment all day where now she can move about just have her phone with her.

  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by ber View Post
    I know one girl in cork who went independent 6 months ago she is one of the best in cork and the agency who advertise on this site told her it was fine and she could come back if she wanted anytime.She just got fed up of handing up half her money and also having to sit varound in an apartment all day where now she can move about just have her phone with her.
    Who is this girl, and what is she like...That is, if you don't mind putting some business her way?? me if you don't want to put it up here?

  5. #35

    Default Just spotted this post.

    To clear up a few things about these agencies.

    1. They are owned and operated by different people. But for variety, girls from either one can work in the other.

    2. The starting price of 110 is not for 'full Service' because not every guy wants the same thing, so nothing misleading about that. They never suggested it was for Full Service. Would you be willing to pay 150 if you just wanted a BJ? Their pricing structure seems sensible to me. Try walking into an Independant and announce you dont want to spend 150 and dont want full service so how much is XYZ. That should bring you closer

    3. Ber's post 'I think the problem is not the girls looks but the service because its an agency the girls dont have the freedom time wise etc, for instance if a girl has a 30 min appointment she cant afford to go over as the agency will then think she was paid for a longer appointment and will want there cut so its better for her have u out the door in 20 25 mins. so when u have a boss the girls are probably not totally relaxed which will not help the mood. In general the good independents seem to offer a wider and more varied service and i would say the good agencygirls usually end up independents some just use the agencyto find out about the buisness '

    This is just not correct. I am using these agencies long enough to know that the girls do what they want there and spend as long as they want with you. There is no boss watching their every move. I have often asked why would you want to give part of your money when if you're independant you keep it all and the answer is always much the, safety and an already established clientiele, no hotels to book, no phones to organise. They just fly in and fly out. So I suppose it makes sense to some girls.

    4. I asked Maruska how she could be in Dublin as an Independant and in Cork as an Agency girl. She tried working in Dublin as an Independant and found it to tough so came back to Cork and worked as an agency girl.

    5. These places have been around over 20 years. I've grown old going there and yes they were shabby but have got a facelift some time ago. But I went for the ladies not the decor.

    6. The pics of the girls? Westy said they are 90% accurate. I would have to say they are 100% accurate. These places are around to long to be trying to shaft anyone. Unlike other agencies they cant up sticks and move. They are the longest established in the country and as I think someone pointed out are the only ones with land line numbers. But I think these numbers are only given to their regular customers. I may be wrong so just ask.

    7. I have said it before I like the fact I dont have to make an appointment and be told what time to arrive. With these agencies you just arrive at the door, ring the bell and in you it should be.

    8. I'm not knocking Independants, each to their own. Both serve a useful purpose.
    Last edited by Langer; 22-03-08 at 12:48.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Nope...............

    Quote Originally Posted by Langer View Post
    To clear up a few things about these agencies.

    1. They are owned and operated by different people. But for variety, girls from either one can work in the other.

    2. The starting price of 110 is not for 'full Service' because not every guy wants the same thing, so nothing misleading about that. They never suggested it was for Full Service. Would you be willing to pay 150 if you just wanted a BJ? Their pricing structure seems sensible to me. Try walking into an Independant and announce you dont want to spend 150 and dont want full service so how much is XYZ. That should bring you closer

    3. Ber's post 'I think the problem is not the girls looks but the service because its an agency the girls dont have the freedom time wise etc, for instance if a girl has a 30 min appointment she cant afford to go over as the agency will then think she was paid for a longer appointment and will want there cut so its better for her have u out the door in 20 25 mins. so when u have a boss the girls are probably not totally relaxed which will not help the mood. In general the good independents seem to offer a wider and more varied service and i would say the good agencygirls usually end up independents some just use the agencyto find out about the buisness '

    This is just not correct. I am using these agencies long enough to know that the girls do what they want there and spend as long as they want with you. There is no boss watching their every move. I have often asked why would you want to give part of your money when if you're independant you keep it all and the answer is always much the, safety and an already established clientiele, no hotels to book, no phones to organise. They just fly in and fly out. So I suppose it makes sense to some girls.

    4. I asked Maruska how she could be in Dublin as an Independant and in Cork as an Agency girl. She tried working in Dublin as an Independant and found it to tough so came back to Cork and worked as an agency girl.

    5. These places have been around over 20 years. I've grown old going there and yes they were shabby but have got a facelift some time ago. But I went for the ladies not the decor.

    6. The pics of the girls? Westy said they are 90% accurate. I would have to say they are 100% accurate. These places are around to long to be trying to shaft anyone. Unlike other agencies they cant up sticks and move. They are the longest established in the country and as I think someone pointed out are the only ones with land line numbers. But I think these numbers are only given to their regular customers. I may be wrong so just ask.

    7. I have said it before I like the fact I dont have to make an appointment and be told what time to arrive. With these agencies you just arrive at the door, ring the bell and in you it should be.

    8. I'm not knocking Independants, each to their own. Both serve a useful purpose.
    they are owned and operated by the same couple.Im 100% sure of this and they have other places too.

    The pics are 99% right as far as what is here but there are alot of girls working there that are not pictured here.

    It should say prices starting at 110.They are way too dear and i find the girls a weeee bit too personal at times too.

    A good spot though,

  7. #37


    I chatted to a lady called Caprice of Cork Dream Girls on Yahoo Messenger

    I found chatting online directly to one of the staff the quickest way to get answers and less embarrassing than using the phone (I'm kinda sensitive like that). I asked her did she ever hear of Westside on EI and her reply was 'sure everyone knows Westy" and she said it in a kind fond way. She seemed to be familiat with a few of the personalities on here and with nothing bad to say about anyone. I even tried to get her to agree that Flyshit was a muppet and all she said was 'ah he is not the worst of them' Which says a lot for her taste in men. Not sure if its true but she said she doesnt work there just answers online queries but she is some fine bit of gear. Her pics are something else and I'd swear I seen her recently while shopping. Anyway if anyone wants to chat to her just send her an email at and ask her to chat to you on Yahoo Messenger or if you're on Yahoo Messenger just add I say this because I told her of stuff about Dream Girls on here and her reply was how come no one ever asked me? But if you're reading this Caprice I'm sure I'd be willing to sacrifice one of my nuts just to bone you.

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Default hahahah

    Quote Originally Posted by Langer View Post
    I chatted to a lady called Caprice of Cork Dream Girls on Yahoo Messenger

    I found chatting online directly to one of the staff the quickest way to get answers and less embarrassing than using the phone (I'm kinda sensitive like that). I asked her did she ever hear of Westside on EI and her reply was 'sure everyone knows Westy" and she said it in a kind fond way. She seemed to be familiat with a few of the personalities on here and with nothing bad to say about anyone. I even tried to get her to agree that Flyshit was a muppet and all she said was 'ah he is not the worst of them' Which says a lot for her taste in men. Not sure if its true but she said she doesnt work there just answers online queries but she is some fine bit of gear. Her pics are something else and I'd swear I seen her recently while shopping. Anyway if anyone wants to chat to her just send her an email at and ask her to chat to you on Yahoo Messenger or if you're on Yahoo Messenger just add I say this because I told her of stuff about Dream Girls on here and her reply was how come no one ever asked me? But if you're reading this Caprice I'm sure I'd be willing to sacrifice one of my nuts just to bone you.

    She said it in a "kind of a fond way".hahhaha Yeah with a baseball bat in one hand and a cannon in the other.They know "westie" all right.Ah memories.Westie met a really lovely black girl there.MMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.Good Times.oh deary me.In fact Westie met some nice black girls in there.Most are gone now So am i

    Ah Caprice babe im only ten mins walk from ye.Ten short mins.I know Caprice to see ,just to.Oh wait ,incidently,Caprice,you might remember being on your phone outside the Grafton one night?There was a guy came along and stood outside the sex shop on his mob.Thats was me.Im sure you remember

    Well ive criticised their prices but they are the better of the agencies.I have never gotten a bad punt in there and they are doing the places up although i think some of the girls arent too happy and beds being used instead of massage couches, the beds being too personal.

    Anyway, tell Caprice i s...she reads this stuff.Caprice sweetie Westside says hi and blows you a large kiss and he is going to blow more than a large kiss with his black sweetie if he can track her down.Doubt that will happen though.Ah one can only struggle on with dreams on what might be.Ill just turn the lights off with the next one.

    the past ,god the past

  9. #39
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    Default upmarket & dream girls

    Upmarket models is the one on grafton st it would be busier open later have more girls than Cork dream girls which is on lr john st but it dosent really matter as caprice manages both and they are owned by same people

  10. #40


    The place in Grafton Street is open until 12 at least, I thought that was late enough for me. But I suppose Ber has a point maybe some guys want it a little later. Caprice manages neither as I know the manageress is Marie in Grafton and Penny in John Street. A fella from Donegal has strong interest in John St. A fella from Cork has the other place. When I asked about Caprice working there I meant as an 'escort' but I've been to both places many times and have never seen her there but have met both receptionists in both places many times. I've seen Caprice in Brown Thomas buying coffee upstairs...stunning woman.

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