Quote Originally Posted by ber View Post
I think that is a cop out, it is very apparent that the concensous here is that those that want to pay extra for advertising
should have a seperate section. It will also make it clear to the client that these ladies are using extra promotion which
is only fair i think. It also dosent deal with the ordinary advertisers getting very little time on the main page.
I think the seperate elite/premium section is a fair compromise to all
I think your missing the point Ber as we all know the more you pay for advertising the more exposure you get thats why we have all heard of the big companies but not many of the little one. The more you pay the more exposure you get!

Wasnt it Lord Sugar that said "I have written books on advertising, cheque books"

All that I am saying is at the minute ALL the Ladies have the option to pay for more exposure, they also have the choice not to. The system was changed not by my request but I will continue to play it untill it changes again.
