Quote Originally Posted by Areeya View Post
Why do MEN think with there dicks. Especially the ones that have the occasional affair......

Do they not think of the innocent people they hurt arround them.....

Some guys need their dicks cut off

And yes, I got up on the wrong side of the bed TODAY !!!
I'm sorry you're having a bad day Areeya but please don't talk about cutting off dicks!! The thought of it just makes me squirm.

And we (men) don't think with our dicks all the time. Personally I only spend 90% of the time thinking with my dick! So theres a good 10% there where I'm rational (thats if you consider a man thinking with his brain rational).

On a more serious note, I take your point about how thinking with one's dick can hurt the people one loves. But this is an individual matter for each man.

I reiterate Capt. Jacks last point - that men thinking with their dicks is what drives this industry. So be careful before you knock it completely. (Although venting once in awhile is completely O.K.).