Quote Originally Posted by lucy chambers View Post
It appears you truly do believe I am being nasty and spiteful to you. I would like to apologise, and assure you I wasn't being intentionally nasty. You are a nice (oh god) person who tries to see the balance in life, albeit in a very off the wall (insane) way. I also know you do a lot of work on the site and are an invaluble member of the forum. I will also give you a hug, if you want to go for a walk in Phoenix Park anytime.

Im very touched. Oh my. It was intentionally nasty. Two nights you went off and turned out of the blue and youll do it again. Where was "your an invaluable member of the site" the night you and a few others created as much hassle as they could for me? The night i handed the mod status back? Ppl always show their true colours on the spur of the moment and you showed yours , twice, with me. You get the impression your bullying me or offending me in some way but i dont get that impression at all. All i see is someone failing time after time to create boither for me.

i feel talented at times,