Quote Originally Posted by carlos marvado View Post
If you view pornography as objectivising women as objects of sexual gratification and if you accept that some men may have difficulties in distinguishing between acting for the camera and the real world, then it does'nt take a great leap of understanding to realise that some certain men may view, relate to and treat women differently based on their exposure to pornography. I don't believe that an addiction to pornography is of itself bad or dangerous, but in the same way as violence on TV or in video games, racist propaganda, certain types of songs etc........it has the potential to send out a dangerous message to those who cannot make the critical distinction.

I seem to remember that in some rape and murder cases, watching pornography or portrayals of violence were deemed to be motivational factors. As to the time wasting situation, it's not inconceivable that some people after watching pornography get aroused, but having neither the funds, inclination, bottle or opportunity to actually visit an escort, ring one up on the pretext of making a booking to get off through free phone sex and pretending to make a booking, while all the time allowing their imagination to run wild. Maybe some of them are just over horny teenagers. They should'nt be on this site, but how do you stop them? So I would guess that pornography may well account for some of the bogus bookings.
"guess that pornography may well account for some of the bogus bookings"........so too is eating too much sugar cereal....smoking too much dope...drinking too much beer.....seeing a gorgeous girl walk past you in a mini black stockings and high heels....watching seductive videos on MTV.....the list is endless........