Was just looking through the latest reviews and see that Lisa (reviewed in galway and dated today) has got a bad review. I clicked through to her other reviews and it is interesting that they are a really mixed bag. She has a couple of bad ones at the start and then a good number of positive ones and then this bad one (from a reviewer who has a few under his belt). I wouldn't normally bother to post anything as sometimes it must be a case of bad chemistry, however, that is what really occurred to me.... It must be just that, otherwise, how could a girl have a significant number of good reviews but still have some really bad ones..

I was in Galway last week and really fancied a punt on Friday morning, and called her (and a few others but got no response other than from girls who were obviously part of an agency). I ended up not punting but not through choice.. Therefore, If I am to go on gut feel, I think Lisa is genuine and while I believe the punter's review of her, it begs the question, how much is in the chemistry between the escort and punter?
