It just shows how quickly people inform escorts of what we say. And fair enough. Now, to compare the text that is now in her profile,

"As of today am not accepting reviews since there are too many people that spread malicious lies.if you like my pics and want to see me then call and judge for yourself"

well, to compare that to the guff that highwayman said was written in the text sent to him, (bad spelling etc..), 2 different people are involved here as regards Amanda. One who can speak and write good english, and 2, some one who can't spell)

No one is spreading lies. But if she is not doing owo etc.. as she said on her profile, then she is the one lying. And people like Highwayman "have called and judged for themselves". YES, you can get fake reviews, but you have the oportunity to reply and dispute them. She did not, instead , she or her companion sent a threat to a client. That's a big NO NO in my book.