Boruncinski also asked the woman for her mobile phone number and sent her a number of text messages after he had left the apartment, including one enquiring if she would like to go to a party.
What a lunatic, he sounds like that guy that keeps messaging girls here.

Suspending the last three years of a 10-year sentence, Mr Justice Carney said that he took into account Boruncinski’s previous good character, his early plea of guilty and that he did not appear to be the “prime mover” in the attack.
How the hell can you take into account "previous good character" in a case like this? Previous good character should be only taken into account if the facts are in dispute. Would he also take previous good character into account for an axe murderer? "He murdered his family but shur he had a previous good character". Previous good character is for a different type of case, some of these judges are so stupid.

And how could he not be the "prime mover" in it when he was the one who raped the girl at knife point?

They say drunkeness is no excuse, but then they are like "ah shur he was drunk". They are clearly taking the drunkenness into account. The fact that he was drunk wouldn't even be mentioned if not as an excuse. Bullshit hypocrisy right there. If you get drunk, then you have to face the consequences. If you get drunk, you take the onto yourself, NOT onto others.

I think seven years is a reasonable sentence for this though, I don't agree with locking away people forever unless they've murdered someone or destroyed their lives forever.