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Thread: How many Guards are punters?

  1. #1

    Post How many Guards are punters?

    Was having a few fleeting thoughts the other day and i asked myself this question.They are only human just like the rest of us so they also have their human needs.Imagine the embarressment of standing behind the station desk and some freshly arrested escort being marched up to him after just being with her the day before.New set of fresh underwear?
    You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
    Abraham Lincoln, (attributed)
    16th president of US (1809 - 1865)

  2. #2
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by QueenBee View Post
    Was having a few fleeting thoughts the other day and i asked myself this question.They are only human just like the rest of us so they also have their human needs.Imagine the embarressment of standing behind the station desk and some freshly arrested escort being marched up to him after just being with her the day before.New set of fresh underwear?
    I remember a right few years now QB there were 2 girls I used to go see on a regular basis just outside Belfast, anyhow they told me at the time they had a few regular RUC guys that would come to them for a special rate and promised they’d turn a blind eye to there job and also said if they’d any hassles or probs for any clients they were to inform them directly and they’d deal with it. So I guess the wee arrangement they had suited everyone really.

  3. #3
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    Dec 2009


    I think if guards punting they wont tell their real job....iv just seen fire men if that counts
    Good bye Ireland!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnRambo View Post
    I remember a right few years now QB there were 2 girls I used to go see on a regular basis just outside Belfast, anyhow they told me at the time they had a few regular RUC guys that would come to them for a special rate and promised they’d turn a blind eye to there job and also said if they’d any hassles or probs for any clients they were to inform them directly and they’d deal with it. So I guess the wee arrangement they had suited everyone really.
    Yeah, I remember about 15 years ago two girls that worked together told me the same. I found out when I asked if they ever had problems with so many cop cars cruising about.

    Even cops need lovin too I suppose!

  5. #5
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    I suppose some gardai might visit escorts - after all, they are just people...more or less

    I recall that during the "massage parlour" boom of the 1980's there were said to be a number of gardai involved in running some of these places, and many of the rest paid protection money to the local station. Also, it is well known that certain gards will "roll" a street girl (i.e. take her money) on the basis that she can hardly report the theft. Presumanly similar tactics could be employed in the obtaining of sexual favours.

    Although a lot of gardai are decent people they are not much of a police force (poorly trained, unmotivated, unskilled). One wonders why one of the few areas they seem enthusiastic about is prostitution - I mean, on a Saturday night there is a lot of garda activity around known prozzie hot spots. Why do they bother?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by QueenBee View Post
    Was having a few fleeting thoughts the other day and i asked myself this question.
    2954 are

  7. #7


    I used to help out in a strip club about a few years ago, there was a lot of customers from the force, decent guys but I'd say majority of them would stay away from escorting. (thats just me being very gulable though.)
    The reason there were a lot there was because it was the closest bar to the station.. :-D

  8. #8
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    I would say alot of guards visit escorts. I doubt if many would tell their real job. The same way theres probably alot of judges,solicitors, politicians,celebrities etc who see escorts.
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    i only know one Garda and he does frequent escorts, so I'd say somewhere in the region of 100%

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by EbonyRenee View Post
    I actually saw one this morning he told me he doesnt tell anyone but he is Garda, I was thinking what is garda (Im English) then I remembered he's police, in my head I was thinking yeah right. I think he could tell I didnt belive him so he showed me his badge. He said he is a human being so of course he wants to see a working lady or lady of the night as he put it and he said he had to see my boobs. He said hes had to try and clear up alot of girls that work the street in....I cant remember the name of the street he said and he said all the girls are on heroin and it has been off putting for awhile.
    He was a nice guy he brought me a cup of starbucks. And hes called me too this afternoon to say thank you so much and to ask me if I am okay...I think he might be in love ha ha ha. I said to him I hope I am not under surveilence now! He said that the garad dont really hassel the girls that work in apartments just the street ones are posing a problem. He advised me to get pepper spray. I think I will do that.
    Watch out, he will be looking for a freebie for him & his mates next.

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