[1] Looks. Please nobody misinterpret this as a sign that I am someone who considers looks more important than anything else in a man, as I certainly don't, but you asked me about what turns me onto a person, and I think looks play a massive part in that specific area (though of course all different looks appeal to all different people so what I like is not the same as what every other woman likes)!

[2] Humour. If he's no fun, we'll have no fun!

[3] Politeness. Patricia likes a man with manners and respect, not some ignornant little twat that she'd like to give a good slap around the ear!

[4] Big Dick. Size of dick is not a big issue to Patricia once he knows what to do with it. I do not require a big dick. However I guess a really teeny weeney weiner would not be that impressive to Patricia!

[5] Big Wallet. As westside will tell you all Patricia has bags of her own money so she doesn't need funding from any man!