Quote Originally Posted by Bodkin View Post

I can't answer the question of how a reviewer gets the little badge symbol. I assumed it was something to do with the number of reviews posted. I can tell you from a client's perspective that it means relatively little to me. This is not to say that the review system is not worthwhile; it is far from perfect but it is necessary and useful for all parties. One of the worst aspects of the review system is that thoughtless and faceless individuals can attempt to damage an escort's reputation and livelihood with their callous vitriol.

Personally I consider a number of factors when browsing through the profiles on this site, including the number of reviews, the overall trend (i.e., are there more positive than negative reviews?), and only then am I interested in the content of the individual reviews themselves. This way such an outlier as a single negative review amongst twenty or more positive reviews becomes very obviously a reflection on the reviewer not the escort in question.

Again it is a purely personal thing but I would pay very little attention to a reviewer that would make such a gratuitously vulgar comment as "fergal" has done in this review. Such behaviour to me seems like the act of an ignorant, rude, inconsiderate, and ill-bred troglodyte; not somebody whose opinion would mean anything to me. In fact rather than having any negative affect on my opinion of the person being reviewed, such a vulgar review would cause me to discount any other reviews by the same reviewer.

The important thing is that you have managed to turn this into a positive for your profile: by posting a rational, clearly expressed, and professional response you have shown yourself to be a high calibre professional who takes their reputation seriously. Good for you.

I have read all comments and would like to thank everyone for there imput. But mostly it was the above quote that made me regret what I had wrote. You see my comment was not rational nor clearly expressed. One could hardly say it was a professional response. I wrote the comment with a hot head and I deeply regret insulting Feargal . I hope that he and other except my apology and we can all move on...