Hello Boys,

I wanted to ask your valuable opinion. I have always rented apartments in large blocks thinking that this was what you chaps preferred for anonymity but was wondering if you would consider coming to a nice detached and discreet house in the country? Obviously it would have to be not overlooked and with parking out of site from the road and definitely not in a town or village setting but a rural location.

I was thinking it would be nice to have a detached house so that my clients and I could be free to express ourselves without being overheard lol. Plus if I were to have a house it would be bigger and I could have a sensual room and a dungeon room to satisfy all my different client needs.

So any thoughts please do tell. House or apartment, you decide.

Cayla xxx

Hi Cayla.I voted for house as a i think it would def be a nicer setting and would make me more relaxed and private.In saying that i would go
there if it was an area where i didnt know anyone as it would be easy to be spotted calling