I have not heard from Jackpot as yet. He has the oppurtunity to contact us anytime and I will look at his explanation.

Benin has contacted me and stated that I didn't give him a chance to agree he'd not post a real name again last night. I did actually give him 3 chances clearly saying I would have to ban him unless he agreed to not post the real name again and each time he wrote back to me minus agreeing to this. I understand the real person at hand may have posted their own real name at one stage, but that is not the point now. This real person wants people to stop posting his real name here now and has put a complaint in writing to us and I need those who have been doing it to agree to stop or I have no choice to ban them. As Benin has written to me now to say he will not post this real name again, I have changed his ban to a 1 week ban only and he will be allowed back once that is up.