Quote Originally Posted by anon361 View Post
Get a punting Phone or Sim, some ladies can be a little lax when it comes to privacy towards your phone and on occasion do send texts informing you they have arrived back in your area, don't want those comming to your private phone. (This is very rare to happen but it does, so be prepared)
This is by no means rare, at least in Dublin. If you ring an escort and there is no reply, it is not uncommon for her to call back. In my experience, for every 4 escorts, that I ring for the first time and get no answer, one will call me back within an hour or two. If I have met the girl before, she is much more likely to call back and it could be the following day. I would say that about 20% of the girls that I have met have been back to me at some stage, off their own bat, to say that they have returned to the area or have moved to a different location. However, about half of these would have asked for permission to contact me when we met. It is rare for any of these girls to call from a hidden number. This is good for those with a dedicated phone but bad for those that do not

Even if you do not have someone looking over your shoulder, it is vital that you get a pre-pay phone for contacting escorts. It is likely that your main phone is bill-pay. Therefore, there is the possibility that anyone that you phone can find your name and address. Unfortunately, it is the people, such as the police and criminals, that you would least like to know your details, that can discover those details most easily.