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Thread: bill cullen

  1. #21
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    Default More BS........

    Quote Originally Posted by whiteknight111 View Post
    No job should be filled unless a employer can prove that there is no Irish available.
    Are you suggesting jobs should be given to Irish people above other legal, qualified people???

    I think you'll find this in discrimination..............

    Quote Originally Posted by whiteknight111 View Post
    Recruitment Agencies and certain elements Of the Irish upper class
    have engaged in active consipry to displace Irish workers for their profits.
    Utter crap..............

    3 years ago, and this is a fact, for an ad places for full time positions available in the services sector in this country, less than 20% of applications would be from Irish people, and within that 20% almost all would be from people just looking for a bit of part time work, (most when questioned required cash payment under the table for this part time work) or students looking for weekend work only. Of the Irish people who actually applied, or enquired about a position, the first question asked by 75% of those was about the rate of pay, to which 75% replied, "fuck that"...............
    "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."

  2. #22
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    Luther you are full of shit. It's not all about jobs, it's about Irish property and Irish land. The economy that our farmer forefathers build up for years and years and years all pissed away by the government and people too thick to realise what's happening.

    Ireland belongs to the people of Ireland, not to foreigners. We have a say in who should be allowed in here or not.

  3. #23


    in fairness to anyone foreign or otherwise working for the min wage cant be any fun you cant leave your house in ireland without spending 50 yo yos to have to watch every penny all the time thats not a life its an existance

  4. #24
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    Default And what was to prevent.............

    Quote Originally Posted by Westsidex View Post
    it depends. Those Irish abroad you find are working for the same pay as everyone else.

    The Irish working for the same rate of pay as other people here???

    If two people walk in for a job, irrespective of nationality etc, and both are asked what their wage expections are, and both are equally qualified for the job, and one says one figure and the other says a lesser figure, who do you think, as an employer you are likely to choose???

    Bearing in mind, there is a minimum wage in this country and neither has offered to work for less than the minimum wage..........

    Now you're the boss, it's your company or business, it's a start up business, money is tight, the bank won't give you a red cent, you're up to your neck in debt with loans from all over the place, busting your ass to get this off the ground, your dream, you know either person can do the job equally as well as each other, as I said irrespective of nationality etc, who are you going to give the job to??? The one who wants more money???

    And when you make your decision, did you really have to decide, or was it decided for you by the wage expectations of one of the people???
    "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."

  5. #25
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    You're all talking about the past. The immigrants are here now, they're part of our society and we need to come to terms with that. We can't simply expel all foreigners from Ireland overnight. Besides, have you seen how pretty some of the girls are? Move the locals out and get them in, I say

    But the future? Now, that's a different ballgame.

  6. #26
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    Default What the hell are you on about???

    Quote Originally Posted by nicegirlsarenice View Post
    Luther you are full of shit. It's not all about jobs, it's about Irish property and Irish land. The economy that our farmer forefathers build up for years and years and years all pissed away by the government and people too thick to realise what's happening.

    Ireland belongs to the people of Ireland, not to foreigners. We have a say in who should be allowed in here or not.
    It's precisely about jobs. Did you not read the rest of the thread???

    Irish property and land???

    We're not being invaded numb nuts...........

    Were you playing cowboys and indians today???

    I think you're getting mixed up..............remember........

    Cowboys and indians, for kids, this conversetion, for adults..........
    "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."

  7. #27


    no cead mile failte here then.

    some people are very bitter. My advise is grab your hairnet and head towards the golden arches because people will always want Big Macs

  8. #28
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    These people wouldn't have come here if there wasn't jobs for them. Back in the hay day employers had to get work permits for non EU nationals when the EU was much smaller. We, the new rich didn't care then once we had someone to serve our lattes etc.
    WE have short memories! Ireland are net exporters of job seekers! Why do we object to people doing what we have done for years.
    Why is nobody commenting on asylum seekers, the real drain on the economy.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by liverpool05 View Post
    anyone see see dr bill on the frontline last night wonder did he get out of the studio alive he has some neck to make those suggestions the look on some of the students faces was priceless the man is stuck in a timewarp
    Well he did maka a valid point to one chick about getting off your ass and doing something if you think about it...!!

  10. #30
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    Thumbs up I agree with the Mouse

    Quote Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post
    You're all talking about the past. The immigrants are here now, they're part of our society and we need to come to terms with that. We can't simply expel all foreigners from Ireland overnight. Besides, have you seen how pretty some of the girls are? Move the locals out and get them in, I say

    But the future? Now, that's a different ballgame.
    Here! Here!

    I understand that many are upset about entering their local Spar, LIDL, ALDI and Polska Sklep and having to buy their foreign produced utilities/groceries with foreign borrowed and supported currency from foreign staff. Yeah I really feel sorry for them, oh the humanity.

    Here's a simple view of Europe for those whom are unable to understand the current situation. If every member state of Europe was actually a person. Then Ireland would be the ungreatfull asshole that shows up at your house, eats the food out of your fridge, watches your telly and then complains that there isn't enough hot water to have a bath so he'll have to use the shower instead.

    I mean seriously, if it wasn't for Germany and the EU with its delicious borrowed cash this country would be fucked. I think we owe our Lords and Masters a massive thank you. So get down on your knees and kiss some big sexy German and EU booty.
    Escort of the Month and E-I Interview Blogs;

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